Closed Bug 1084087 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Signing to Marketplace using Fxa on 1.1 fails with b.redirect is undefined


(Cloud Services :: Server: Firefox Accounts, defect, P1)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: krupa.mozbugs, Assigned: stomlinson)





(2 files)

Severity: normal → blocker
Edwin - 1.1 is 70% of our user base so we're eager to address this issue. When you get a sec, can you let us know if someone assigned and tracking? Caitlin
Flags: needinfo?(edwong)
Oops sorry Edwin. Looks like Ckarlof is tracking - is there anyone else we need from the OS side at this point, or are we engaging all the right folks...
Component: Consumer Pages → Server: Firefox Accounts
Product: Marketplace → Mozilla Services
Version: 1.4 → other
Looks like there's a PR to validate params, it may fix this. Chris is tracking this.
Flags: needinfo?(edwong)
Assignee: nobody → rpappalardo
Our current fix is to just do better error messaging. If the "redirect" is actually undefined, the flow will fail. :rpapa is working on helping us reproduce this bug on 1.1, since that's the only known place that it surfaces.
Priority: -- → P1
So in this case the we just have and incorrect config and we need to use the correct config somewhere? If so I'll drop the priority wayyyyyy down :)
Until we can reproduce it, we won't know for sure. :rpapa is going to take a look at it today with a 1.1 Hamachi.
Tony, do you know where I can find out what eng 1.1 version Marketplace (using FxA) shipped with? I'm trying to reproduce this bug for :krupa, but first I need to figure out which specific version I should be flashing. Also, for 1.1 versions, I assume I'd need to flash this on a Hamachi (not a Flame). Do you know if 1.1 requires a specific base build?
Flags: needinfo?(tchung)
Per :tchung, no specific base build required. A 1.1 build can be had by looking in pvtbuilds here: It's not obvious, but the 1.1 build is mozilla-b2g18-hamachi (user build only) Once you know the date of this build, you can use the Taiwan tool ( to flash it (to your Hamachi): $ python ./ -d hamachi -b 20140527041202 -g -G --usr This will flash: OS version: Boot2Gecko Platform version: 18.1 When I go to: on my flame, I am able to install the Marketplace dev app. However, when I try to do the same on my newly-flashed Hamachi, all I see is a very small, underlined (inert) red letter "x" that looks like a URL. Also, from within Settings app on the Hamachi, I don't see a way to login to FxA. Are there some STR I need to get to where you observed this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(tchung) → needinfo?(krupa.mozbugs)
krupa / victor - any guidance for :rpapa on this?
Flags: needinfo?(vcarciu)
Flags: needinfo?(clouserw)
(In reply to Richard Pappalardo [:rpapa][:rpappalardo] from comment #8) > When I go to: > on my flame, I am able to > install the Marketplace dev app. > However, when I try to do the same on my newly-flashed Hamachi, all I see is > a very small, underlined (inert) red letter "x" that looks like a URL. That happens when the phone can't load our CSS. Check that you are online and that the time+date is correct on the phone.
Flags: needinfo?(clouserw)
(In reply to Wil Clouser [:clouserw] from comment #10) > (In reply to Richard Pappalardo [:rpapa][:rpappalardo] from comment #8) > > When I go to: > > on my flame, I am able to > > install the Marketplace dev app. > > However, when I try to do the same on my newly-flashed Hamachi, all I see is > > a very small, underlined (inert) red letter "x" that looks like a URL. > > That happens when the phone can't load our CSS. Check that you are online > and that the time+date is correct on the phone. Thanks, Wil. Setting date/time manually does allows me to now see the marketplace dev app correctly. However, I still don't see FxA in the Settings app. Do I need to load some prefs for FxA to be in place?
(In reply to Richard Pappalardo [:rpapa][:rpappalardo] from comment #11) > (In reply to Wil Clouser [:clouserw] from comment #10) > > (In reply to Richard Pappalardo [:rpapa][:rpappalardo] from comment #8) > > > When I go to: > > > on my flame, I am able to > > > install the Marketplace dev app. > > > However, when I try to do the same on my newly-flashed Hamachi, all I see is > > > a very small, underlined (inert) red letter "x" that looks like a URL. > > > > That happens when the phone can't load our CSS. Check that you are online > > and that the time+date is correct on the phone. > Thanks, Wil. Setting date/time manually does allows me to now see the > marketplace dev app correctly. > However, I still don't see FxA in the Settings app. Do I need to load some > prefs for FxA to be in place? I've been out of the office for the past week, so I'm not sure I'm the authority here. However, I wouldn't expect to see FxA in the settings app of a 1.1 build. The Marketplace as it exists today won't use the native FxA experience - it will use the web flow. So, just loading the dev Marketplace should be enough to use FxA in the dev environment.
Thanks, Wil. Now that I'm able to get in, I am able to repro this issue. I'm able to 'sign up' initially, though " is undefined" also appears on the confirmation page. I receive the verification email successfully, then verify. Then, when I try to 'sign in,' once again i see " is undefined," but never go beyond the sign in page. Let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to test with this.
Flags: needinfo?(vcarciu)
Flags: needinfo?(krupa.mozbugs)
adb logcat output PRE-CONDITIONS * freshly flashed Hamachi * proper date/time set Developer options enabled: * Remote debugging * Wi-Fi output in adb * Console enabled * Gaia debug traces STR * open browser * go to: * install Marketplace app * open Marketplace app * choose gear icon to arrive at FxA auth page * login to FxA with existing user * observe b.redirect undefined error
I was able to repro on Desktop Firefox 18, and found the problem. Thanks :rpapa! We can take it from here.
Assignee: rpappalardo → stomlinson
user_exists_b_redirect_undefined_on_login_HTTP.log per jrgrm, adding to /system/bin/ export NSPR_LOG_MODULES=timestamp,cookie:5,nsSocketTransport:5,nsHttp:5 to add logging of network traffic see line # 58204 adb logcat output PRE-CONDITIONS * freshly flashed Hamachi * proper date/time set Developer options enabled: * Remote debugging * Wi-Fi output in adb * Console enabled * Gaia debug traces STR * open browser * go to: * install Marketplace app * open Marketplace app * choose gear icon to arrive at FxA auth page * login to FxA with existing user * observe b.redirect undefined error
Sorry for the lack of information, I hit the submit button too soon. This is caused by After tracing through the code, I found out that we are suffering from this problem: * (XMLHttpRequest's getAllResponseHeaders() returns null if the request is the result of CORS) * Because xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(), jQuery thinks the response is a text type and does not attempt to decode the response. A [jQuery patch]( was submitted but rejected because they punted back to us (Mozilla). Jonas Sicking says the problem was fixed in Firefox 21: > This should have been fixed in Firefox 21. Please provide a small testcase if you can still reproduce. Possible work arounds (non-tested): * Specify a 'json' dataType as you did in the above example for every jQuery request. * Attempt to set the `dataType` universally in jQuery.ajaxSetup * Detect whether a string or object was returned from jQuery.ajax, if a string, decode to JSON.
Fixed by It will be in the FxA train cut today and hopefully released on 11/3. It's available in our "latest" integration environment to test right now.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified as fixed. No b.undefined errors were observed during login.
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