Closed Bug 1086670 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

crash in @0x0 | mozilla::layers::RotatedContentBuffer::BeginPaint(mozilla::layers::ThebesLayer*, unsigned int)


(Core :: Graphics: Layers, defect)

34 Branch
Windows NT
Not set





(Reporter: lizzard, Assigned: nical)



(Keywords: crash, topcrash-win, Whiteboard: [leave-open])

Crash Data


(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

This bug was filed from the Socorro interface and is report bp-f4c555ab-d455-468b-8ca4-9c0fe2141020. ============================================================= This is the #7 topcrash for Firefox 34.0b1 with 968/36533 crashes in the last 7 days. They are all on the 20141014134955 build. Crashing thread: 0 @0x0 1 xul.dll mozilla::layers::RotatedContentBuffer::BeginPaint(mozilla::layers::ThebesLayer*, unsigned int) gfx/layers/RotatedBuffer.cpp 2 xul.dll mozilla::layers::ContentClientRemoteBuffer::BeginPaintBuffer(mozilla::layers::ThebesLayer*, unsigned int) gfx/layers/client/ContentClient.h 3 xul.dll mozilla::layers::ClientThebesLayer::PaintThebes() gfx/layers/client/ClientThebesLayer.cpp 4 xul.dll mozilla::layers::ClientThebesLayer::RenderLayerWithReadback(mozilla::layers::ReadbackProcessor*) gfx/layers/client/ClientThebesLayer.cpp 5 xul.dll mozilla::layers::ClientContainerLayer::RenderLayer() gfx/layers/client/ClientContainerLayer.h 6 xul.dll mozilla::layers::Layer::ApplyPendingUpdatesForThisTransaction() gfx/layers/Layers.cpp 7 xul.dll mozilla::layers::ClientLayerManager::EndTransactionInternal(void (*)(mozilla::layers::ThebesLayer*, gfxContext*, nsIntRegion const&, mozilla::layers::DrawRegionClip, nsIntRegion const&, void*), void*, mozilla::layers::LayerManager::EndTransactionFlags) gfx/layers/client/ClientLayerManager.cpp
:nical, is this similar/same to the one you recently dealt with?
Flags: needinfo?(nical.bugzilla)
(In reply to Milan Sreckovic [:milan] from comment #1) > :nical, is this similar/same to the one you recently dealt with? Looks like a new one.
Assignee: nobody → nical.bugzilla
Flags: needinfo?(nical.bugzilla)
So at the crash site we are dereferencing a null pointer to one of the two DrawTargets of a component alpha pair. as it turns out we managed to create the first texture and not the second one. The stack doesn't provide any information about what caused the failure to create the second DrawTarget. Could be OOM, or maybe something else. If we just early return, the content of the layer will not be rendered or updated properly which could make the browser glitchy or unusable. If we just crash there, well we have a lot of crashes. I am looking into adding more fatal assertions in the code that is involved, to see if it turns out to be an error in code that is called beforehand. If it's OOM we don't have a good way to fix it in the short term so we may want to just glitch rather than crash (not sure, although we already do if we fail to create the first texture of the pair).
Let's add gfxCriticalError() as well. If it's OOM situation, glitchy may be better than crashing, especially if it's a temporary situation.
Bas, can I haz a review?
Attached patch updated patchSplinter Review
This patch doesn't attempt to paper over the issue, but adds some logging that will help with the investigation.
Attachment #8513623 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8513623 - Flags: review?(bas)
Attachment #8523932 - Flags: review?(bas)
Attachment #8523932 - Flags: review?(bas) → review+
Up to you. At the moment we don't assert in gfxCriticalError but we'll most probably do soon and I am more interested in getting the gfxCriticalError data in the app notes.
Attachment #8525422 - Flags: review?(bas)
Attachment #8525422 - Flags: review?(bas) → review+
Whiteboard: [leave-open]
Interestingly nothing in the appnotes since the patch landed If we don't restrict to build ids containing the patch, there are some E_OUTOFMEMORY D2D errors in the app notes but not as many as I expected.
I was silly enough to forget D2D 1.1 in the previous patch, so lots of possible interesting code paths wouldn't have shown in the app notes. This patch will log if we fail to create a D2D1.1 DrawTarget.
Attachment #8528657 - Flags: review?(bas)
Attachment #8528657 - Flags: review?(bas) → review?(jmuizelaar)
Attachment #8528657 - Flags: review?(jmuizelaar) → review+
Crash Signature: [@ @0x0 | mozilla::layers::RotatedContentBuffer::BeginPaint(mozilla::layers::ThebesLayer*, unsigned int)] → [@ @0x0 | mozilla::layers::RotatedContentBuffer::BeginPaint(mozilla::layers::ThebesLayer*, unsigned int)] [@ mozilla::layers::RotatedContentBuffer::BeginPaint(mozilla::layers::ThebesLayer*, unsigned int)]
No crashes with this signature since 34?
(In reply to Milan Sreckovic [:milan] from comment #16) > No crashes with this signature since 34? It's entirely possible that it migrated to bug 1081911 which is still high in the latest 36 beta.
This isn't happening in post-34, so I'm closing the bug as WFM.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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