Closed Bug 1087177 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Flame] FM radio isn't resume when unplug /plug headset during the phone call


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: AudioChannel, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rlin, Unassigned)



STR: 1. Turn on FM 2. Dial a phone call 3. During the phone call, unplug headset and replug-in it 4. After the call was ended, check FM radio sound. Found the FMRadio was stopped.
Hi Jenny, Could you clarify the behavior of music or FMRadio? 1. Only play songs with music application, it won't resume when re-plug the headset, but FM will. 2. On this scenario, both behavior is the same. After the phone call, the music/fmradio will stop.
Flags: needinfo?(jelee)
Assignee: nobody → alwu
Hi Randy, Sorry for the late reply. The correct behavior should be: - Music and FM radio playback will both resume after phone call ends. - FM radio should not resume when headset is re-plugged in. The Sound spec including rules specified above will be uploaded to Bug 1068219 in near future. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(jelee)
Is it reasonable for play FM & music at the same time? It sound like a bug. :(
Assignee: alwu → rlin
Flags: needinfo?(jelee)
Ohh no that's not what I meant :p I meant FM and music should behave the same. No two sound using content channel can be played at the same time ;)
Flags: needinfo?(jelee)
Free it if any wants.
Assignee: globelinmoz → nobody
According to the comment2, "FM radio should not resume when headset is re-plugged in" So I think this issue is not a bug.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Change the flag.
Resolution: FIXED → INVALID
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