Closed Bug 109074 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

java buttons no longer working. Install plugin and still doesn't work


(Core Graveyard :: Java: OJI, defect)

Windows ME
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mail_john, Assigned: joe.chou)




From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:0.9.5+) Gecko/20011108
BuildID:    2001110803

When going to this site, the java navigation buttons on the left no longer show,
merely a reguest to download the plugin. I do this and still the buttons do not
appear. This used to work until I completely uninstalled a recent nightly build
and reinstalled .9.5 build

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. browse
2. No java buttons on left.
3. Download plugin as requested.
4. Restart browser
5. still no buttons

Actual Results:  web page does not show java navigation buttons, only "click
here to download plugin"

Expected Results:  navigation buttons should show.

This seems to be related to the installation of a faulty nightly. In order to
clear this and get rid of various problems, I had to completely uninstall
nightly, and reinstall 0.9.5.  Today, I have reinstalled a nightly, but java
buttons do not seem to work. I have reinstalled Java again, but still no joy.
OJI bug.
Please provide JRE version.
Assignee: idk → joe.chou
Component: Java-Implemented Plugins → OJI
QA Contact: avm → pmac
Reporter: Have you NPOJI600.dll in your plugins directory ?
Something is broken in the 0.9.5 and nightly installs. I fixed this by
installing Netscape 6.2 and then copying the contents of the plugin directory
into the Mozilla Plugin directory. All the java buttons are now working
correctly. My previous complete uninstall of Mozilla must have removed Java
components from theplugin directory that had been installed months back, which
where then not re-installed by an installation of 0.9.5 or a nightly.

JRE's were all of them. I uninstalled and installed 1.3, 1.31_01a, but only the
above workaround fixed the problem
fom the 0.9.5 release notes : 
If Java doesn't work, make sure the following is true:
On Windows:
Copy the NPOJI600.DLL from C:\JDK*\jre\bin to "\plugins" directory of your

dupe of bug 104387

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 104387 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Chris Petersen is a new QA contact for oji component. His email is:
Assignee: joe.chou → petersen
fixing small error for (filter with : SPAMMAILSUCKS)
Assignee: petersen → joe.chou
QA Contact: pmac → petersen
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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