Closed Bug 1095019 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

User message at the endpoint shown during FXA sign up from an IAP is confusing


(Cloud Services :: Server: Firefox Accounts, defect, P4)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: krupa.mozbugs, Assigned: rfeeley)



Connectivity: Wifi SIM used: Gaia/device: 2.1/flame Platform version: 34.0 Build Identifier: 20141016001201 Git commit info: 2014-10-15 21:08:45 477a9e61 steps to reproduce: 1. Install on your flame device 2. Change the environment to stage and click Pay 3. Click on 'Create an account' 4. Register for a new account by entering email, password and pick your YOB 5. Registration is successful and user is prompted to verify their email ID. 6. Click the link in the email to verify your account observed behavior: Upon verifying the account, the endpoint says "Success! you are now logged into Marketplace". This message can be confusing to someone who is signing into an in-app product and is not clear why they just logged into Marketplace.
It sounds like less text, "Sucess, you are now logged in." might be more helpful, if that was an option for us.
Component: Payments/Refunds → Server: Firefox Accounts
Product: Marketplace → Mozilla Services
Version: 1.4 → unspecified
Priority: -- → P4
Blocks: 1088604
No longer blocks: 1007956
Ryan, thoughts on what the copy should read in this case?
Flags: needinfo?(rfeeley)
Copy should be available for both instances: 1. “Account verified” for registrations. 2. “Signed in successfully” for logins. In both instances beneath it should read "You are ready to use {Service}" (in this case Marketplace without the link as the email client cannot open the app).
Flags: needinfo?(rfeeley)
Ryan, the issue being in this bug is that if signup happens during an in-app payment, and it says "You are now ready to use Marketplace", then that's confusing, because the user isn't actually using Marketplace (even though that's what they are logging into for the purpose of paying the app).
I'm attempting to do this flow on my Flame but receive the error PAY_REQUEST_ERROR_NO_VALID_REQUEST_FOUND
Likely you don't have the mozPay preferences set correctly and are likely trying to do a payment on dev or stage. shows how to setup a device.
Assigning to :rfeeley to push forward with, or close out.
Assignee: nobody → rfeeley
Given that its been this long, I think we'll close this.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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