Closed Bug 1097780 Opened 10 years ago Closed 6 years ago

python-client: Figure out temporary credentials issue in


(Taskcluster :: Services, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jhford, Unassigned)



Temporary credential generation doesn't work properly in the Python client for Taskcluster.  I'm not 100% sure why, as the data generated by the Python client is seemingly equivalent to that generated by the JS client.  Once the UUID routine is modified to return a constant string, the exact same access token is generated.  The only differences I see are the ordering of the JSON contained in the returned credentials.
Summary: Figure out temporary credentials issue in → python-client: Figure out temporary credentials issue in
Component: TaskCluster → General
Product: Testing → Taskcluster
Component: General → Client Libraries
I can also have a look at this when I work on bug 1179789. Maybe I'll hit the same issue!
See Also: → 1179789
Oh I am dumb! As soon as I submitted that, I spotted the scopes sit inside the join method, not outside it. Whoops. Ignore comment 3!
So I looked at this too, and reached the same conclusion, I get e.g.:


  "clientId": "clientId",
  "accessToken": "AKUz6E8M1x2DoJFxL2oey0GUZwIg5bITKfYrx9K6xH8",
  "certificate": "{\"version\":1,\"scopes\":[\"auth:credentials\"],\"start\":1415741173,\"expiry\":1415741173,\"seed\":\"MkT8gE3gRgOzM1Z3Ai_ilwZBqX-G9mQkyCM_EB-CSMqw\",\"signature\":\"zBRvaGBIik7W4Ts9gzUuJ40mEW1X/Gi70ys6ekMEFT4=\"}"

  "certificate": "{\"scopes\":[\"auth:credentials\"],\"version\":1,\"expiry\":1415741173,\"start\":1415741173,\"seed\":\"MkT8gE3gRgOzM1Z3Ai_ilwZBqX-G9mQkyCM_EB-CSMqw\",\"signature\":\"zBRvaGBIik7W4Ts9gzUuJ40mEW1X/Gi70ys6ekMEFT4=\"}", 
  "accessToken": "AKUz6E8M1x2DoJFxL2oey0GUZwIg5bITKfYrx9K6xH8", 
  "clientId": "clientId"

They are indeed the same objects, but the ordering is different.

I don't think this is a problem though. Do the properties need to appear in a given order?
Flags: needinfo?(jhford)
The json spec ( says:

"An object is an unordered set of name/value pairs."

So I think by definition the orders should not matter.

I did spot one anomaly though: in the javascript implementation, if start is not specified, the current timestamp is used. However, in the python library, the now variable is generated, but never used[2].

(In reply to Pete Moore [:pmoore][:pete] from comment #6)
> "An object is an unordered set of name/value pairs."
> So I think by definition the orders should not matter.

I wouldn't put much stock in JSON implementers all adhering to the spec sadly.  It could be that this is being parsed by a dumb/bad json parser, or not even a json parser at all.  I don't know the details.

I think that sadly the next step here is to use a formatter and spit out exactly the JSON we need, sadly.  Yuck!
> I did spot one anomaly though: in the javascript implementation, if start is
> not specified, the current timestamp is used. However, in the python
> library, the now variable is generated, but never used[2].

Hmm, the start parameter is not a kwarg, so it has to be passed.  I guess it could be passed as None and we should use now in that case.  I remember this failing with an explicit 'start' param being passed in.
Flags: needinfo?(jhford)
So you guys should probably look at the logs for the service you are hitting, check the error message:

In taskcluster-client I debug with a local node server, so it's easy to get errors.
But if you use something low traffic like auth it should be easy to find the error message.
I think this was fixed long ago..
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Client Libraries → Services
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