Closed Bug 1108415 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Bank site not responding to link clicks,weather radar site not displaying maps


(Core :: General, defect)

34 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: ajw4730, Unassigned)




User Agent: Firefox/Linux Build ID: 20141127111021 Steps to reproduce: Tried to transfer money via ebank.To open new payment recipient at commbank .Also view weather radar..This issue appeared lately[a month??] after update.Ubuntu 14.04 kde.Can't tell FF version as no help button exists any more! assume latest in repositories. Actual results: the 'add' button fails to open dialogue.[This worked fine in chromium, I had to d/load to continue--i don't trust it]...the weather radar only shows the rain patterns but no map underneath...also works in chromium. Disabled all extensions & tried again---no change. Expected results: the link to open'add' dialogue opens forms to add a payment recipient. the radar should show a map under the weather.
OS: Other → Linux
Hardware: Other → x86_64
Summary: Bank site not responding to link clicks,weather radar site not displaying maps,disabled all extensions,forced to use chromiumon these sites???js.scripts? → Bank site not responding to link clicks,weather radar site not displaying maps
You can tell the Firefox version from about:support. Which exact weather radar are you talking about? A link to the exact page would help a lot. It's probably worth filing separate bugs on the separate issues you're seeing...
Flags: needinfo?(ajw4730)
Hi reporter, unfortunately this report is not very useful because it does not describe the problem well. If you have time and can still reproduce the problem, please read and add a more useful description to this report.
I have added an URL to BOM weather radar-NSW-Australia.The bank link of no use unless signed into site & so unreproducable,but I feel it's the same bug & probably related to java--the nonfunctioning link in bank site reports at base of FF= 'javascript:void(0)'
Flags: needinfo?(ajw4730)
Version: unspecified → 34 Branch
Thank you for the link. On that link, I see a map under the weather animations, in both Firefox 34 and a current nightly. Which Firefox version are you using? Does the problem appear in a clean profile?
Flags: needinfo?(ajw4730)
Upon your advice to use a clean profile which I'd not heard of, found instructions to reset.This has fixed the missing map.The bank is fixed also.Thankyou all for your attention.Version is 34.0+build2OubuntuO.14.04.1
Flags: needinfo?(ajw4730)
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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