Open Bug 1108985 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Updater breaks with large files (> 2GB on 32 bit systems)


(Toolkit :: Application Update, defect)

31 Branch




(Reporter: gk, Unassigned)


On a 32bit Linux system the updater breaks if a large file (>2GB) is involved with something like

ensure_copy_recursive: path doesn't exist: /path/to/large-file, rv: -1, err: 75
failed: 6

This is the upstream bug for See comment 6 there for a preliminary analysis.
(In reply to Georg Koppen from comment #0)
> On a 32bit Linux system the updater breaks if a large file (>2GB) is
> involved with something like
> ensure_copy_recursive: path doesn't exist: /path/to/large-file, rv: -1, err:
> 75
> failed: 6
> This is the upstream bug for See comment
> 6 there for a preliminary analysis.

The comment I wanted to point to is actually
iirc this was filed a long time ago and it was wontfix'd since we would never realistically ever need to update files of that size.
(In reply to Robert Strong [:rstrong] (use needinfo to contact me) from comment #2)
> iirc this was filed a long time ago and it was wontfix'd since we would
> never realistically ever need to update files of that size.

Interesting. Do you have a bug by chance (I could not find the one you had in mind)? Not knowing the content of the respective decision does "wontfix'd" mean Mozilla is not planning to fix this issue itself but would take a patch or does it mean Mozilla is not planning to fix this issue itself and is not willing to take a patch for it either?
I recall a bug but it may have just been a review comment since I wasn't able to find the bug. The reason why it wasn't implemented is there is no need to update files anywhere near that large in any Mozilla app. I'm actually kind of surprised about this request.

Do you have a need to update files this large?

If you do, then we would take a patch as long as the chance of regression was very minimal and the fix didn't add significant complexity.
This problem isn't really about updating huge files.  The issue showed up with Tor Browser because someone had a very large log file that was sitting next to their firefox executable.  Because the update staging process needs to make a recursive copy of everything, the update process failed.
For that edgecase I think it would be better to fallback to updating without staging.
Severity: normal → S3
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