Closed Bug 1111696 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[UX] In account-less mode "Guest" is not understood by users


(Hello (Loop) :: Client, defect, P3)

Windows 8


(Not tracked)

backlog backlog+


(Reporter: RT, Unassigned)



User Story

Users are confused by the "Guest" wording, suggestion is to just remove it.

Acceptance criteria:
* "Guest label not displayed anymore when not signed-in.
Early user reports tell us that the notion of "Guest" is not understood by users who also don't find it obvious that they can have conversations even though they are not signed-in.
Is there a way to fix this in the UX?
Blocks: 1082944
Flags: needinfo?(sfranks)
Let's remove the word "Guest". It's not necessary and we still have the "Sign In or Sign Up" call to action.

Flags: needinfo?(sfranks)
if we remove "guest" do we still need a better way to indicate if we are logged in or logged out?  if not - we'll just take this fix.

added Matt just in case he has an opinion based on being in this area so much :)

we can move up if we decide to take
backlog: --- → Fx38+
Flags: needinfo?(sfranks)
Flags: needinfo?(MattN+bmo)
Priority: -- → P2
If we remove "Guest" I don't think we need anything else because of the messaging that says "Sign In or Sign Up".

However, an alternate solution could be to replace the word "Guest" with "Anonymous" which might be clearer.
Flags: needinfo?(sfranks)
I think anonymous could be misleading given the users aren't really anonymous.
(In reply to Romain Testard [:RT] from comment #4)
> I think anonymous could be misleading given the users aren't really
> anonymous.

Yes, I suppose you are right. Then I say let's just remove the "Guest" label as suggested above.
Shell, is this possible for Fx36 or more Fx37?
It's obviously not a P1 but feels small effort.
Flags: needinfo?(sescalante)
(In reply to Romain Testard [:RT] from comment #0)
> Early user reports tell us that the notion of "Guest" is not understood by
> users who also don't find it obvious that they can have conversations even
> though they are not signed-in.

I would guess that part of the confusion comes from hiding the "start a conversation" button until "Get Started" is clicked. I suspect that "Guest" is not the main problem here.
Flags: needinfo?(MattN+bmo)
"Get started" was not implemented at the time of user research.
The issue reported was that users don't understand what the "guest" concept is/means and users don't relate it to "I can start having calls even though not authenticated".
User Story: (updated)
backlog: Fx38+ → Fx37+
Flags: needinfo?(sescalante)
backlog: Fx37+ → Fx38?
Priority: P2 → P3
Blocks: 1130074
No longer blocks: 1082944
backlog: Fx38? → backlog+
Rank: 35
Flags: firefox-backlog+
Now addressed in the visual refresh
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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