Closed Bug 111484 Opened 23 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Hide/Show platform-specific references in help files


(SeaMonkey :: Help Documentation, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nwhiii, Assigned: stefanh)




(4 files, 5 obsolete files)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC; en-US; rv:0.9.6) Gecko/20011120 BuildID: 2001112011 For example, can't find Personal Toolbar info as described in Help. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Open Help 2. 3.
Ever confirmed: true
Help is still for Windows, not Mac -- and now Mozilla is almost 1.0. As the browser's installed userbase expands, so will the average technical knowledge level decrease: we'll have lots of people that really, really need a nice Help section. Instead, we have a help section that (in 2002041711/OS 9.1) references Windows-only preference items like "Windows should use Mozilla to open these file types..." (Choose "Help Contents" from Help menu, then go to Customizing Mozilla: Navigator Settings: Advanced Preferences: Software Installation). Items that *do* exist in the Mac version are simply left out. This is pretty blatant. While much of the info is cross-platform, it should be an urgent priority to remove all references to features and settings not applicable to the Mac OS. Having "Help not available" for certain topics is preferable to help for another platform entirely. The next step would be better Help for the Mac. I do press releases and some of the readme info for, and have created documentation before; I'm trained in technical writing, HTML, and Macintosh support. If the group wants some help with, well, Help... let me know.
Summary: Help is for Windows not Mac → Help in Mac Mozilla should not refer to Windows only options
-> documentation:user
Assignee: oeschger → rudman
Blocks: 46917
Component: Help → User
Product: Browser → Documentation
QA Contact: tpreston → rudman
Version: Trunk → unspecified
This will probably be fixed if Mozilla's XML parser could include external entities. Otherwise, it probably won't be fixed. I'll leave it open though.
does this also happen on MacOS X? If yes, the bug should be moved to that OS, if not the bug should be WONTFIX'ed, since mac classic is dead.
This bug is targeted at a Mac classic platform/OS, which is no longer supported by Please re-target it to another platform/OS if this bug applies there as well or resolve this bug. I will resolve this bug as WONTFIX in four weeks if no action has been taken. To filter this and similar messages out, please filter for "mac_cla_reorg".
OS: Mac System 8.6 → MacOS X
Moving all of rudman's bugs to me, the new owner of Doc: User.
Assignee: rudman → rlk
QA Contact: rudman → stolenclover
-> future. other things need to happen first.
Target Milestone: --- → Future
> For example, can't find Personal Toolbar info as described in Help. reporter (Norm), is this still true?
In "Using the Help Window" - "Retracing Your Steps" (help_help.html) I see the following: "If you're having trouble keeping the Help window visible while you're following instructions, click Mozilla Help in the Windows toolbar to bring it to the front again." Not really sure what to write for the mac-users, though. There's a bug (forgot the number) that prevents windows from opening above the help window. Actually, you can't hide the help window beneath any other Mozilla window on the mac.
*** Bug 256417 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This bug will deal with the hiding/showing of platform-specific content in the help files. It won't be completely resolved until someone comes up with a localizer-friendly way of making TOC and Index entries platform-dependent.
Assignee: rlk → stefan_h
Summary: Help in Mac Mozilla should not refer to Windows only options → Hide/Show platform-specific references in help files
Depends on: 256456
OS: MacOS X → All
Hardware: Macintosh → All
This patch will hide/show platform-specific references to the preferences menu (Mozilla menu <--> Mac, Edit menu <--> Win, *nix).
Giacomo, This will break some of your patches in bug 258257 and bug 257507. Hmm, I guess I have to update my patch when those patches have been checked in. Or perhaps it works anyway?
I think it will break in some cases. Going to check ASAP and report back.
It breaks only with cs_nav_prefs_appearance.xhtml (a single change): the rest of the patch applies cleanly against the files with my patches applied (if they get checked-in! :) ).
Comment on attachment 160171 [details] [diff] [review] Fix for references to Mozilla/Edit menu Ok, thx for checking! I'll update the patch for that file when your patches are in.
Attachment #160171 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 160171 [details] [diff] [review] Fix for references to Mozilla/Edit menu A space between each pair of spans (assuming there are no negative side-effects) would make the rewrapping much nicer.
Attachment #160171 - Flags: review?( → review+
Attached patch Updated patchSplinter Review
OK, this adds space between the tags. I've only indented when necessary, though.
Attachment #160171 - Attachment is obsolete: true
> OK, this adds space between the tags. --> between the spans
checked in, please mark fixed if it is
Apart from adding the <kbd> tag I fixed a few other nits: Removed the "returnToSection" class, since it's not in use. Replaced " and ' with &quot; and &apos;. Looks like Giacomo fixes the rest (<b> --> <strong>, <i> --> <em> etc) in bug 262080.
Comment on attachment 160921 [details] [diff] [review] Hide/show platform-specific stuff in composer_help I'll add a more complete patch (involving more files) later.
Attachment #160921 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Stefan, could wait some more to provide an updated patch? I've a pile of them ready for review and checkin, and would like to get them in before moving on. I've removed the returnToSection class, too, in my updated patch. Had to update all my patches after your checkin: seems like your patch apllied better after mine, instead of the other way round... :(
This patch should hide/show all the platform-specific stuff in the help files according to platform. Apart from that, all text typed by the user should now be inside a <kbd> tag. One odd sentence changed in composer_help (line 12-14) and some minor typos etc fixed (like the ones reported in bug 232794). The only thing that hasn't been taken care of yet is the shortcuts docs. They're still showing shortcuts for all platforms (no <kbd> tags either). However, apart from adding <kbd> tags, maybe we should leave them like that?
Attachment #163243 - Flags: review?(bugzilla)
Comment on attachment 163243 [details] [diff] [review] Hide/show platform-specific stuff in help files >+the menu. Then you can paste the link location into the Link Location field in >+the Link Properties sdialog box.</p> dialog perhaphs? >+ <p>If your search doesn't return any topics, try typing fewer words or a apostrophe >+ <li>Try to broaden your search&mdash;don't be too specific; terms and again with those changes
Attachment #163243 - Flags: review?(bugzilla) → review+
New version addressing Ians comments. Btw, found some more ' in help_help that I changed. Giacomo, can you fix the ' in the other files (the files not changed with this patch)?
Attachment #163243 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 163248 [details] [diff] [review] Hide/show platform-specific stuff in help files - updated Checked in above attachment
I'll keep this open until everything is resolved.
(In reply to comment #26) > Giacomo, can you fix the ' in the other files (the files not changed with this > patch)? I'll provide a patch for all the help files solving ' and &quot; issues at once, so we can move along. I'll open a new bug for this: or is it better I'll provide the patch here?
(In reply to comment #29) >or is it better I'll provide the patch here? Open a new bug ;)
-> See bug 265950. Patch already submitted and awaiting r= & checkin love.
Left to do: *Hiding Quicklaunch stuff in nav_help *Fixing the shortcuts files in some way Anyone seeing some Linux-specific stuff that should be hidden from other OS users or something that should be shown just for Linux users?
Adding a "hold down the Ctrl key (Windows, Linux or Unix) or the Command key (Mac OS) and click each message" to fix in mail_help. Will wait a while and see if anyone finds anything else.
This should fix nav_help and mail_help. This will also fix the issues in mail_help mentioned in bug 258257, comment #23. Fixed some nits in cs_nav_prefs_advanced as well.
Attachment #164296 - Flags: review?(bugzilla)
Comment on attachment 164296 [details] [diff] [review] fix for mail_help and nav_help
Attachment #164296 - Flags: review?(bugzilla) → review+
Great job Stefan! :) Please close bug 258257 as well when checked this in.
Checking in cs_nav_prefs_advanced.xhtml; /cvsroot/mozilla/extensions/help/resources/locale/en-US/cs_nav_prefs_advanced.xhtml,v <-- cs_nav_prefs_advanced.xhtml new revision: 1.32; previous revision: 1.31 done Checking in mail_help.xhtml; /cvsroot/mozilla/extensions/help/resources/locale/en-US/mail_help.xhtml,v <-- mail_help.xhtml new revision: 1.47; previous revision: 1.46 done Checking in nav_help.xhtml; /cvsroot/mozilla/extensions/help/resources/locale/en-US/nav_help.xhtml,v <-- nav_help.xhtml new revision: 1.43; previous revision: 1.42 done
This will hide the "default browser" entries (help-toc and help-index1) for non-windows users. Also fixes the the remaining headings in the xhtml files. Once this is done, I'll consider this bug as fixed. There's one sentence in one of the shortcut files that has a windows example (for example on windows blah blah) and the shortcuts are still shown for all platforms. I'll leave that for another bug, though. Not sure if we want to show shortcuts for only one platform either.
Attachment #180161 - Flags: superreview?(
Attachment #180161 - Flags: review?(bugzilla)
Comment on attachment 180161 [details] [diff] [review] Hide "default browser" entries in help and fix the xhtml files Ian, I thought you could look at the changes in the xhtml files... ;)
Moving this to the suite help component in order to set target etc. Also taking bug...
Component: Help Viewer → Help
Product: Documentation → Mozilla Application Suite
Target Milestone: Future → Seamonkey1.0alpha
Component: Help → Address Book
Target Milestone: Seamonkey1.0alpha → Future
Component: Address Book → Help
really sorry... :(
Target Milestone: Future → Seamonkey1.0alpha
Attached patch same patch but -uw (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Comment on attachment 180161 [details] [diff] [review] Hide "default browser" entries in help and fix the xhtml files > </rdf:Seq> >+ > </nc:subheadings> Nit: don't need this.
Attachment #180161 - Flags: superreview?( → superreview+
Comment on attachment 180161 [details] [diff] [review] Hide "default browser" entries in help and fix the xhtml files >Index: extensions/help/resources/locale/en-US/help-index1.rdf >=================================================================== >@@ -935,11 +925,11 @@ > <rdf:Description ID="keyboard_shortcuts" > nc:name="keyboard shortcuts" > nc:link="shortcuts.xhtml"/> >- </rdf:li> >- <rdf:li> >- <rdf:Description ID="keywords" >- nc:name="keyboards" >- nc:link="nav_help.xhtml#custom_keywords"/> >+ </rdf:li> >+ <rdf:li> >+ <rdf:Description ID="keywords" >+ nc:name="keyboards" >+ nc:link="nav_help.xhtml#custom_keywords"/> nc:name probably needs changing to "keywords" r= with that change
Attachment #180161 - Flags: review?(bugzilla) → review+
Attachment #180161 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #180163 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #180183 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #180183 - Flags: review+
Attachment #180183 - Flags: approval1.8b2?
Comment on attachment 180183 [details] [diff] [review] New version with comments addressed, carrying over flags (Checked in) a=asa
Attachment #180183 - Flags: approval1.8b2? → approval1.8b2+
Comment on attachment 180183 [details] [diff] [review] New version with comments addressed, carrying over flags (Checked in) Checking in cs_nav_prefs_advanced.xhtml; /cvsroot/mozilla/extensions/help/resources/locale/en-US/cs_nav_prefs_advanced.x html,v <-- cs_nav_prefs_advanced.xhtml new revision: 1.41; previous revision: 1.40 done Checking in help-index1.rdf; /cvsroot/mozilla/extensions/help/resources/locale/en-US/help-index1.rdf,v <-- help-index1.rdf new revision: 1.44; previous revision: 1.43 done Checking in help-toc.rdf; /cvsroot/mozilla/extensions/help/resources/locale/en-US/help-toc.rdf,v <-- help-toc.rdf new revision: 1.76; previous revision: 1.75 done Checking in help-win.rdf; /cvsroot/mozilla/extensions/help/resources/locale/en-US/help-win.rdf,v <-- help-win.rdf new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1 done Checking in nav_help.xhtml; /cvsroot/mozilla/extensions/help/resources/locale/en-US/nav_help.xhtml,v <-- nav_help.xhtml new revision: 1.53; previous revision: 1.52 done
Attachment #180183 - Attachment description: New version with comments addressed, carrying over flags → New version with comments addressed, carrying over flags (Checked in)
--> Fixed
Fixed for real...
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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