Closed Bug 1115486 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[meta][B2G][DNS] DNS query support in the environment that supports multiple network interfaces.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: RIL, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



tracking-b2g backlog


(Reporter: bevis, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [grooming] [SUMO-b2g])

This meta bug is filed for better tracking of DNS query problems in the environment that supports multiple network interfaces.
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.2?
QA Contact: echang
[Tracking Requested - why for this release]:
Let's not block on a big meta bug.
blocking-b2g: 2.2? → ---
tracking-b2g: --- → ?
Blocks: 1046517
I just want to note that I'd really like to see this resolved in 2.2, being likely our last release for this year. This is IMO unacceptable that we still don't support this case...
Whiteboard: [grooming]
blocking-b2g: --- → backlog
I will also add that this is blocking bug 1046517, which affects a very common user scenario: Users are unable to send or receive MMS (Multimedia Text Messages) when connected to WiFi.

For tracking purposes -
A user also reported this in the SUMO forums:

Adding needinfo from Hermina Condei so she is aware of this from a User Success perspective.
Flags: needinfo?(hcondei)
Whiteboard: [grooming] → [grooming] [SUMO-b2g]
Hey Bevis, I just want to know if, from what you know, this happens only with mozril, or with both mozril and commril.
Flags: needinfo?(btseng)
(In reply to Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] from comment #8)
> Hey Bevis, I just want to know if, from what you know, this happens only
> with mozril, or with both mozril and commril.

This happens with both moz-ril and commercial ril.
Flags: needinfo?(btseng)
Flags: needinfo?(hcondei)
blocking-b2g: backlog → ---
Bevis, all dependency are fixed, is this meta fixed now ?
Flags: needinfo?(btseng)
(In reply to Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] from comment #10)
> Bevis, all dependency are fixed, is this meta fixed now ?

Yes, this shall be fixed now.
Thanks for reminding this.
Closed: 9 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(btseng)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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