Closed Bug 1116305 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Lightning 3.3.2 still speaks only English in TB 31.3.


(Calendar :: General, defect)

Lightning 3.3
Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jarmo, Assigned: Fallen)




(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0 Build ID: 20141126041045 Steps to reproduce: 1. Updated a Finnish Thunderbird to version 31.0 and then installed an compatible Lightning add-on update (3.3). Calendar-related menus, labels, buttons etc. has changed in English. This is an earlier documented error. 2. Recently updated to TB 31.3. 2. Went to add-on manager and saw that there is a Lightning update (3.3.2, released December 27th) available. Told Thunderbird to update add-on, and then restarted Lightning. Actual results: When TB restarted, all the calendar-related components were still in English. Yes, Lightning 3.3.2 was installed. Expected results: According to the add-on page this update should correct the missing locales. In Lightning 3.4 beta (for TB 32 beta, released August 18), 3.5 beta (for TB 33 beta, released September 23) and 3.6 beta (for TB 34 beta, released November 15), this error is resolved, but still the last Lightning release version 3.3.2 has this error.
Product: Thunderbird → Calendar
Version: 31 → Lightning 3.3
Confirming. The FI locale is missing in all version of 3.3.x branch and the problem seems not to be limited to FI locale. A. Locales in 2.6.6 and in 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 betas, but not in 3.3.2: FI, NB-NO, PT-PT B. Locales in 3.3.2, but not in 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 betas: BG, HR, KO C. Locales not in 2.6.6 and 3.3.2, but in 3.4 beta (I assume those were new to 3.4, but they might have been new to 3.3 already without being shipped - needs being cross-checked): ID, PA-IN, SQ, TR, UK D. Locales from the dashboard, which weren't shipped in versions from 2.6.6 to 3.6: AR, CY, GL, HE, KA, RO, SL Philipp, I guess for A. and eventually C. we would need another 3.3.x release, while for B. and eventually D. at least a check on the build scripts / sign-off for the betas seems to be appropriate.
Ever confirmed: true
Flags: needinfo?(philipp)
Attached file compare-locales.txt β€”
Any locale that was not signed off on the Thunderbird dashboard for tb31 is not included in Lightning 3.3.x. I made an exception in the other bug for gd and lt, but I had to find a green changeset on my own and manually compile the locale packages. Lightning 3.3.x should contain the locales using these changesets: Anything thats not in Lightning but covered by that list is a mistake of the build script or me not adding it to shipped-locales. I've attached the compare-locales output from using those changesets with comm-esr31, incomplete locales are: ar ast be bn-BD br el fi gd gl he hy-AM id lt nb-NO pa-IN pt-BR pt-PT rm ro si sl sq sr ta-LK tr uk vi Maybe we should get a few more locales CC'd here so they can provide me with an updated changeset that is green, then I can put together the files manually once again.
Flags: needinfo?(philipp)
I've written everyone from above list an email that I had in my addressbook and given a deadline until January 9th.
Philipp, did you receive any updated changesets on your request? Otherwise, I suggest to set this to wontfix for 3.3.x. Did you already make l10n groups aware of combined shipment of TB/Lightning with TB38? To not have calendar localizations for all localized TBs would be a weired expirience for an in-product shipment.
I'm going to release 3.3.3 in a few days, just waiting for one more locale who said he'd be done over the weekend. Regarding TB38, I will give more info on this in the Thundebird Meeting on Tuesday and likely add a blog post afterwards. There isn't much time left and there are a lot of unknowns in the equation, so regarding l10n we might have to live with a mismatch in the set of locales. I don't think its fair to force the remaining localizers to translate the extra 2k (?) strings with only 12-18 weeks left.
Lightning 3.3.3 was released with the extra locales. TB38 stuff will be discussed elsewhere.
Assignee: nobody → philipp
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 3.3.3
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