Closed Bug 1117144 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Remove gaia-ui endurance tests


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::UI Tests, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: martijn.martijn, Assigned: martijn.martijn)





(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

From a gaia-ui-automation mail thread:
Dave Hun:
I think it’s safe to remove the endurance tests (but not any of the functionality, in case that’s being used by partners). Feel free to raise a bug and have someone work on it - could be a good candidate for a contributor.

That basically means that all these files can be removed:

Lots of those tests are disabled and out of date:
Summary: Remove endurance tests → Remove gaia-ui endurance tests
Assignee: nobody → martijn.martijn
Attachment #8576804 - Flags: review?(gmealer)
Attachment #8576804 - Flags: review?(dave.hunt)
Are you planning a separate patch to remove the GaiaEndurance* classes and Endurance* imports? I don't think there's any value in keeping this, and would propose to remove it all in a single patch. Also, it's worth running the patch by Rob Wood, who was the original author.
Flags: needinfo?(martijn.martijn)
No, sorry, I didn't think of that.
Flags: needinfo?(martijn.martijn)
Attachment #8576804 - Flags: review?(gmealer)
Attachment #8576804 - Flags: review?(dave.hunt)
Attachment #8576804 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 8577212 [details] [review]
[gaia] mwargers:endurance2 > mozilla-b2g:master

Also, the documentation on MDN would need to be removed.
Attachment #8577212 - Flags: review?(rwood)
Comment on attachment 8577212 [details] [review]
[gaia] mwargers:endurance2 > mozilla-b2g:master

See comment in the PR, thanks Martijn
Attachment #8577212 - Flags: review?(rwood) → review-
Attachment #8577212 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 8578048 [details] [review]
[gaia] mwargers:endurance3 > mozilla-b2g:master

Sorry that I keep making new pull request, but I keep getting this error again, while trying to update my older one:
error: failed to push some refs to ''
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind

But I followed your suggestion of removing the GaiaEnduranceTestCase class, which I missed the last time.
Attachment #8578048 - Flags: review?(rwood)
Comment on attachment 8578048 [details] [review]
[gaia] mwargers:endurance3 > mozilla-b2g:master

Great, R+. I applied your patch locally and ran a gaia-ui functional test to ensure that gaiatest still works with this change (I'm assuming that you also did a similar test, if not, please do, thanks).

FYI, that error indicates that your branch is out of date. In the future, instead of creating a new PR you can pull in and merge the latest changes into your branch (rebase). Then you can commit that, and squash your commits so there is just one resulting commit that has your changes and all the latest code. Feel free to ping someone if you want to try that in the future and would like some help. Also, this may be of use:

Thanks Martijn!
Attachment #8578048 - Flags: review?(rwood) → review+
Attachment #8578048 - Flags: review?(dave.hunt)
Yes, I did a similar test.
I didn't expect my branch to be out of date. I knew how to do a rebase, I think I could do that, using git fetch origin master && git rebase origin/master git mergetool . But iirc, I got problems doing that, so I resorted to just creating a new pull request.
Comment on attachment 8578048 [details] [review]
[gaia] mwargers:endurance3 > mozilla-b2g:master

I had a quick look, but if Rob's happy, so am I. :) For what it's worth, this is how I rebase, and it works pretty well for me.

$ git checkout master
$ git pull --rebase upstream master
$ git checkout feature-branch
$ git rebase master

This keeps my master updated from upstream, and allows me to just rebase my feature branches from my local master.
Attachment #8578048 - Flags: review?(dave.hunt) → review+
Oh, as mentioned in comment 5, can we remove the MDN documentation for endurance tests? Ideally we'd update the page(s) to mention that these tests are no longer supported and have been removed from our repository. We should also link to AWSY or whatever has replaced these tests.
Ok, the try run is green, so this can be checked in.

From rwood on IRC, I understood there isn't a substitute for gaia-ui endurance tests, so I could just remove the mdn documentation.
Keywords: checkin-needed

Autolander could not land the pull request due to not having collaborator rights. This is possibly due to a tree closure. Please check the tree status and request checkin again once the tree is open.
I believe the tree is now open.
Keywords: checkin-needed
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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