Bug 1117729
Opened 10 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
Time displayed on lock screen locks to the time device was last 'locked down'
(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Homescreen, defect)
Firefox OS Graveyard
(Not tracked)
of bug 1117981
(Reporter: nick.cumbo, Unassigned)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0
Build ID: 20141125180439
Steps to reproduce:
I leave my phone for an extended period and return to it later to check the time.
Actual results:
The screen locks automatically after a set time period. I come back to the device a few minutes or hours later, and find myself at the lock screen. The time displayed is the time that the device was locked down at. It does seem to update but it takes longer than expected.
Expected results:
The screen locks automatically after a set time period. I come back to the machine a few minutes or hours later, and find myself at the lock screen. The correct time is automatically displayed on the lock screen.
Note: I'm using latest FirefoxOS nightly build on the Flame developer device.
Comment 1•10 years ago
Happens to me as well, 2.2/flame.
The component should Gaia::Homescreen, I believe.
Updated•10 years ago
Component: Gaia::Clock → Gaia::Homescreen
Comment 2•10 years ago
Thank you for filing this!
I believe Bug 1117981 is a dupe of this bug but there is already traction on that bug so will duplicate to that. If this issue still reproduces after Bug 1117981 is Resolved, please re-open this bug.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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