Closed Bug 11190 Opened 26 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[FEATURE] Load chrome button URLs from DTD


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P1)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: selmer, Assigned: davidm)



In the CCK product, we need a way to customize the URLs that will be loaded when buttons are pressed like "My Netscape" or the animated logo. In the past, these URLs were customized in the prefs (netscape.cfg) and the tools to manage prefs were sufficient to manage button URLs. With the new XUL approach, there is resistance to using prefs to specify button URLs. The compromise (worked out over many emails and conversations) is to have the buttons get their URLs from the DTD since the DTD is much more easily parsed than the XUL file. Once all the URLs come from the DTD, the CCK product can create a tool to update them there when they get customized.
Linking this up to the CCK tracking bug, elevating severity. We need to see this before beta.
Blocks: 7579
Severity: normal → major
Assignee: don → davidm
Blocks: 10575
Priority: P3 → P1
Summary: Chrome buttons that load URLs should get URLs from DTD → [FEATURE] Load chrome button URLs from DTD
Target Milestone: M14
Steve, with whom did you work this out? Hyatt? Also, do we need this for beta anymore considering out new criteria?
I got shunted around several times and ended up negotiating with John Gable who took input from Hyatt. I'm still intending to have CCK for beta 1. If this feature isn't there, then it'll be pretty crippled. What is it being traded off against? It seems like this should not be a large amount of work...
Other than throbber and myNetscape are there any other buttons with URL's? This can be done in about 60 seconds.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Both the throbber and my Netscape button now get there URL from the DTD file
For CCK, the buttons we care about that have URLs are the throbber and the Home button. Please make sure you set the Home button to get its URL from the DTD file. Thanks.
I don't think the Home button can get it's URL from the DTD since that would require communicator to be writing back to the DTD file to handle the case where the default homepage is the desired one getting that from the DTD might be OK but that is really a DOM issue ( currently they hard code ) rather than a XPApps issue. I don't know what type of dependencies that they are willing to accept.
It seems reasonable to me that the value should initially come from the DTD until the user actively changes it. That meets all my requirements. Is there another alternative that works better?
What DTD file? The DOM knows nothing about navigator.dtd ( or xul ). Perhaps the implementation should be changed to ask the container to handle home but as I said above I am not the one to talk to about DOM or our embedding API's.
So, does this go back to Hyatt again? I'm getting dizzy from running in circles...
I would ask Vidur about how he thinnks nsGlobalWindow should handle the Home command. I have no idea who owns nsIBrowserWindow anymore. Rick Potts owned it but that was 6+ months ago.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Clearing FIXED resolution due to reopen of this bug.
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
OK I added a homepageurl to the dtd file. When a browser window is loaded it uses this value to set the default pref value
QA Contact: beppe → paulmac
assigning my old bugs to Paul -- redistribute as you see fit.
QA Contact: paulmac → bmartin
Something for CCK QA to verify
So, let me understand this. You're using the DTD value to set the PREF? Originally, I wanted the homepage URL to come from the prefs anyway. (Well, the other URLs too.) What about the trobber URL? This bug was closed but there is no mention of this part of the fix.
I am using the DTD to set the default pref value not the pref value. If you want URL's from prefs rather than DTD's I am confused since that is not what the bug says. I believe the throbber is set from the DTD also.
No longer blocks: 10575
updating QA Contact to
QA Contact: bmartin → blee
this bug is ancient. Verifying to get off the radar. Please re-open if you feel the need.
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
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