Closed Bug 1125012 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[ConnectA2] Switching from Mobile data to Wifi during chat breaks functionality


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: Preinstalled B2G Apps, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mellis, Assigned: dev)



Tested on: Flame 2.0, ZTE 1.2, OP 1.3

Issue: Cannot continue with chat, after switching from mobile data to Wifi while chatting.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Open application using mobile data.

2. Register number and login to chat window.

3. During chat, changed network from Mobile data to Wifi.

4. Network error on chat window saying “Waiting for network”, is seen. For Flame(v2.0) and ZTE(v1.2) devices we did not receive chat message after “Waiting for network” error but on OP(v1.3) device we received chat message after 10-15 minutes.
Assignee: nobody → dev
@Juanma - Can you please review this bug and get back to us with feedback and a potential fix date? Thank you!
Flags: needinfo?(dev)
Sorry, we cannot give support to FFOS development versions.
Flags: needinfo?(dev)
Juan, this was reproduced on 3 devices, one of them a reference phone with a stable 2.0 build (aka not a developer version).
Flags: needinfo?(dev)
We have tested today with OT Pixi 2.0 and we cannot reproduce the problem.

This issue was reproducible over some devices with Firefox OS 1.0 because of some errors on FFOS version for those handsets.

Is possible to reproduce this problem with other Apps that use TCPSocket web API?

Thanks in advance.

Flags: needinfo?(dev)
@ Xoriant - Would you mind taking a look at this bug and providing a comment?
Flags: needinfo?(ffosas)
We were not able to install the app on the following devices:-
1)FireFox - Spice Fireone	Idea:- 8422996761
2)Firefox - Intex	        Vodafone - 8879837518
we didn't received the code (tried calling also).

The application was installed successfully on the following devices, but the app was stuck at the "Loading Contacts" screen:-
1) FireFox - Zen	Reliance:- 9022340239
2) FireFox - Alcatel Onetouch	Airtel:- 7710075829

Basically we were unable to test since the per-requisites were not successful.
Flags: needinfo?(ffosas)
The Contacts sync bug has been resolved today, please download the newest version, "v017j.", which is now available. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(ffosas)
Tested on FireFox - Alcatel Onetouch (Vodafone:- 8879840983)

Switching from Mobile data network to Wifi while chatting is working fine. Some times it take 1-2 min to send message when switching the network.

We were not able to test on following devices due to unsuccessful installation.
FF - Spice Fireone
FF - Intex
FF - Zen
Flags: needinfo?(ffosas)
@FFOSAS - Can we run one more test of this issue before closing the bug?
WFM - Closing this bug
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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