Closed Bug 112504 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Test suites do not test cert and key db error cases.


(NSS :: Test, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rrelyea, Assigned: sonja.mirtitsch)



(6 files, 2 obsolete files)

We currently do not have tests to make sure NSS fails if it cannot open the cert
and key db's. We need to test the following cases:

1) try to open cert and key DB's read only, but specify an empty & not existant
directory. NSS_Init should fail.

2) try to open cert and key DB's read/write from a read only directory.
NSS_InitReadWrite() should fail.

3) try to open cert and key DB's read/write forced from a read only directory.
NSS_Initialize() with the force flag should succeed.

We already test opening cert and key DB's read/write in an empty directory
(certutil -N -d directory). and Read Only with a non-empty directory

1 and 2 seem to be easy, using existing tools.
3 requires either adding the NSS_INIT_FORCEOPEN to one of the existing tools, or
writing of a new tool. I would very much prefer to write my own utility and just
hook the build of it into the regular build, than to touch any of the existing
Please advise.
Attached patch test for 1 and 2Splinter Review
Attached file results.html (obsolete) —
please check the messages
Priority: -- → P2
Whiteboard: waiting for more specifications and review
Target Milestone: --- → 3.4
Generally looks good, just a couple of comments:
 1) We should examine the error code from tstclnt closely. It's likely tstclnt
will fail because it can't connect to selfserv, in which case we will get a
false negative (The test will incorrectly succeed even if we allow the Init to
succeed when it should have failed). I have some patched for certutil with will
conditionally open the database R/O for certain operations (like -L) with an
option to override. Maybe I should check those patches in, as long as it doesn't
break any other tests.

2) I don't see an issue with you adding a new test binary the handle these
specific conditions (specifically case 3) to security/nss/cmd.

Attachment #60284 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file log file
Attached file results.html
Attachment #60349 - Attachment is obsolete: true
One other test case, try forcing an empty directory and a non-existant directory

dbtest -r -d $(EMPTY_DIR) -f      /*should succeed */
dbtest -d ./nonexistantdir -f     /* should succeed */

Everything else looks good r=relyea.
all changes checked in, tinderboxes passed on most platforms
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 60454 [details] [diff] [review]
program to test db

>** dbtest.c
>** utility for managing certificates and the cert database

This comment does not describe what this test does.  (The
comment probably comes from certutil.c.)  Could you fix it?
Attachment #60454 - Flags: needs-work+
changed the comment
Whiteboard: waiting for more specifications and review
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