Closed Bug 1126313 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Loop] Device in silent mode manage notifications in a different way depending if owner is in the room or not


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Loop, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: isabelrios, Assigned: jaoo)


(Whiteboard: [Room1.1.1_TestRun2][loop approved for 1.1.1][In 1.1.1])


(1 file)

Fire E 2.0 Loop 1.1.1/d4d6d7 User A has the device in silent mode. User A creates and shares a room with user B STR Scenario 1: User A is not in the room User B joins in the room Scenario 2: User A is in the room, the app is set in background User B joins in the room EXPECTED User A receives a notification with sound letting him know that user B joins in the room. In both scenarios the behaviour should be the same ACTUAL Scenario 1: The notification is heard Scenario 2: The notification is NOT heard
I should have a look a it to confirm but the fact is that when A joined the room the telephony audio channel is in use and the audio channel in use for the notification is notification which has lower priority than the telephony one. Need to confirm that this is what is going on but if so this is not a bug but how this is how supposed to work.
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
Assignee: nobody → josea.olivera
Well, I'll try to explain what's is going on here. Notifications don't play any sound at all if the device is in silent mode. In scenario 1, what Isabel heard is the tone the app play when someone joins a room the logged user owns. That tone is heard because is played on the normal channel. Isabel was not silencing that channel. In scenario 2, the notification we send when the app goes into background doesn't play any sound for two reason, i) the device is in silent mode and ii) because the reason explained in comment 1.
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
Well, after an offline chat the plan is to play the someone-joined-a-room-you-own tone in the notification audio channel. That way we will have the same behavior. Patch coming.
Attachment #8555814 - Flags: review?(borja.bugzilla) → review+
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [Room1.1.1_TestRun2] → [Room1.1.1_TestRun2][Not in 1.1.1]
After some testing I think the issue is fixed. Setting Ringer and Notification Volume in the Room creator device to 0 (No sound), the notification when a invited user joins to that Room is not heard anymore in the scenarios described in the STR of the bug. Isabel, it'd be great if you can do some testing to confirm all is fine. In the meantime, I am setting the approval whiteboard so JA can do the uplifting to 1.1.1 branch. Thanks a lot to all of you!
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
Flags: needinfo?(isabelrios)
Whiteboard: [Room1.1.1_TestRun2][Not in 1.1.1] → [Room1.1.1_TestRun2][Not in 1.1.1][loop approved for 1.1.1]
Flags: needinfo?(josea.olivera)
Whiteboard: [Room1.1.1_TestRun2][Not in 1.1.1][loop approved for 1.1.1] → [Room1.1.1_TestRun2][loop approved for 1.1.1][loop in 1.1.1]
Whiteboard: [Room1.1.1_TestRun2][loop approved for 1.1.1][loop in 1.1.1] → [Room1.1.1_TestRun2][loop approved for 1.1.1][In 1.1.1]
Sure, I will test the patch and give feedback as soon as I can Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(isabelrios)
The behavior now is the same in both scenarios. I have done more testing and everything looks fine. Thanks and sorry for the delay!
Fire E 2.0 Loop 1.1.1/39a5284 Verified
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