Open Bug 1128510 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Refresh Firefox should save a human-readable list of the previously-installed addons too


(Firefox :: Migration, defect)





(Reporter: sheppy, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Refresh Firefox is awesome, except for one thing: since it removes all the user's add-ons by moving their old profile to an "Old Firefox Data" folder, they have no way to remember later what add-ons they had installed unless they wrote them down.

Even users that know to look into that profile folder and where to look to find Extensions will rarely be able to figure out what they all are, since the extensions' folder names are frequently cryptic.

For that reason, Refresh Firefox should add to the "Old Firefox Data" folder a list of the add-ons that are in that profile. This will make it easier for users that want to experiment with reinstalling some of their add-ons but don't necessarily remember all their names.
You may also be interested in bug 1017919
Component: General → Migration
See Also: → 1017919
Severity: normal → S3
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