Closed Bug 1131854 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

hello homepage tile for feb 24


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)

Due Date:


(Reporter: jbertsch, Assigned: ltom)




(4 files)

>>Project/Request Title:
hello homepage tile for feb 24

>>Project Overview:
Can we please make a graphic and copy for a Hello homepage tile for Feb 24?

I'm so sorry I totally forgot to file this earlier

>> Creative Help Needed:
Copy:    Yes 
Design:  Yes 
Video:   No 
Other:  No

>>Creative Specs:
homepage specs

>>CTA and Design:
try hello cta

>>Creative Due Date:

>>Launch Date:

>>Mozilla Goal:
Firefox Browser

>>Mozilla Creative Collective:

>>Points of Contact:,,,
Blocks: 1131850
Assignee: jbalaco → ltom
Pinging Lee... As usual for these promos, I really just need an icon and a background color, not a full PSD. I figure we can use the smiling balloon icon, or maybe two balloons in dialogue? If it's single color then a vector image is preferable.

Also pinging Matej for copy guidance, since I can't seem to find a separate copy bug.
Flags: needinfo?(matej)
Flags: needinfo?(ltom)
(In reply to Craig Cook (:craigcook) from comment #1)
> Also pinging Matej for copy guidance, since I can't seem to find a separate
> copy bug.

Troy, would you be able to help out with this? I'm guessing there's some Hello copy from elsewhere we could reuse (or slightly tweak).
Flags: needinfo?(matej) → needinfo?(troy)
Hey, sure thing. I'll post some options later today.
Flags: needinfo?(troy)
Hey Craig,

Here's some copy you can use:

Meet Firefox Hello

The easiest way to connect for free over video

Try Firefox Hello

Let me know if there are any questions.
Do have an idea of which promo this Hello one will replace? Craig, would a mock up help?
Flags: needinfo?(ltom)
I'm going to recommend going with either version "a" or "b"
(In reply to Lee Tom from comment #5)
> Do have an idea of which promo this Hello one will replace? Craig, would a
> mock up help?

This is replacing the big Firefox Independent promo, which is currently orange. Once the various promos are updated and shuffled around next week, the new mix will be:

Big influence: Hello
Small influence: Advocacy - bright blue
Big product: Android - medium blue
Small product: Download fx - green
Big community: Dev Edition - dark blue
Small community: Gear Store - purple
Big teach: Webmaker - red
Small teach: Appmaker - dark grayish purple

So given that mix with a lot of blues (and that the new promo is replacing an orange one) I think a warm color could also work for Hello. Also bear in mind that some locales will have a different mix of promos, depending on what they have translated and active. It's really easy to change colors once we see it in situ though so maybe we can stick with orange for now and pick the final color once I've got something to look at. We could also change the colors of some other promos easily enough if needed.
Thanks for the breakdown, Craig. Let's wait to see it in situ then, and go from there. I'm glad we have some wiggle-room to change colors of other promos - the blue and grey palette that I've mocked up are consistent with the rest of the Hello launch materials thus far, so I'd prefer to keep them in the same realm for now.

(In reply to Craig Cook (:craigcook) from comment #7)
> (In reply to Lee Tom from comment #5)
> > Do have an idea of which promo this Hello one will replace? Craig, would a
> > mock up help?
> This is replacing the big Firefox Independent promo, which is currently
> orange. Once the various promos are updated and shuffled around next week,
> the new mix will be:
> Big influence: Hello
> Small influence: Advocacy - bright blue
> Big product: Android - medium blue
> Small product: Download fx - green
> Big community: Dev Edition - dark blue
> Small community: Gear Store - purple
> Big teach: Webmaker - red
> Small teach: Appmaker - dark grayish purple
> So given that mix with a lot of blues (and that the new promo is replacing
> an orange one) I think a warm color could also work for Hello. Also bear in
> mind that some locales will have a different mix of promos, depending on
> what they have translated and active. It's really easy to change colors once
> we see it in situ though so maybe we can stick with orange for now and pick
> the final color once I've got something to look at. We could also change the
> colors of some other promos easily enough if needed.
I was wrong, the Android promo is a sort of tealy green, so using blue for Hello should work out. I'll post a screenshot soon.
Now that they're all in place I think the turquoisey blue works well for the Hello promo, but it's pretty close to the blue of the advocacy promo. Maybe we should tweak the advocacy color for better contrast? A darker or grayer blue, or maybe even a totally different color (orange, red, brown)?

Also, can I get a vector version of the smiley face? For the moment I'm just using a low-res PNG cut from the mockup you posted earlier.
Flags: needinfo?(ltom)
Thanks Craig, 
Let's try using an opaque version of the white Hello logo on top of #00a9dc, for the bg blue. I agree changing the Advocacy bg would be a good idea since the blues are close, but have different hues. Lets try #b7bad6 (see attachment) Thanks!

I'll send you the vectors shortly
Flags: needinfo?(ltom)

(these are the first mockups for the promo - just grab the logo in white)
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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