Closed Bug 1134299 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Clicking "Abrir" (Open) won't launch a purchased paid app, but it works for a free app


(Marketplace Graveyard :: Payments/Refunds, defect, P1)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: vedolin, Assigned: kngo)



(Whiteboard: [qa+])


(7 files)

Connectivity:Wi-Fi SIM used:(Telcel) 556 506-2733 Gaia/device: 2.0/Flame test app used:onlyboku75; CNN Mexico steps to reproduce: 1 - Purchase a paid application (onlyboku75 was used). 2 - On the "Instalar Test App" screen, click "Instalar" for installing the app 3 - Observe that the app details page now show the green "Abrir" (open) button 4 - Click on the "Abrir" button 5 - Observe that the app is not launched 6 - On the native interface, click on the purchased app 7 - Observe that the app is correctly launched 8 - Purchase a free app (CNN Mexico was used) 9 - On the "Instalar CNN Mexico" screen, click "Instalar" for installing the app 10 - Observe that the app details page now show the green "Abrir" (open) button 11 - Click on the "Abrir" button 12 - Observe that the free app is correctly launched expected behavior: Clicking on "Abrir" should launch the purchased paid app. actual behavior: Clicking on "Abrir" will not launch a purchased app. reproducible: yes
Attached image 4_FreeAppAbrir.png
Assignee: nobody → kngo
No longer blocks: 987661
Priority: -- → P1
Note that the button status switches from "Open" to "Install" after a few seconds.
Played with this yesterday. What I think I observed: - Does not reproduce on -dev. - Does not reproduce on Stage as a true packaged app. - When it reverted to an Install button, I hacked the button to be a Launch button. Upon clicking it, it couldn't find it installed (z.apps[manifestUrl] is undefined).
I can consistently reproduce this on a 2.0 device. 1. Search for :paid 2. Start the purchase of an app 3. Sign in using FxA 4. Enter PIN 5. Complete the purchase using Boku or Bango flows. 6. Install the app you just purchased 7. Notice that the button state changes to "Open " or "Abrir"(in Spanish) 8. Click on the Open button to launch the app 9. Switch to a different app like Settings 10. Return to Marketplace and notice the button status of the app you just purchased. observed behavior: After step #8, app fails to launch. After step #10, the button status has reverted back to "Install" ashes: 6a875
Does this reproduce on prod?
Flags: needinfo?(krupa.mozbugs)
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Whiteboard: [qa+]
Target Milestone: --- → 2015-03-17
Bango purchases are failing right now. I will give this a try once that is addressed.
Flags: needinfo?(krupa.mozbugs)
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