Closed Bug 1136149 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Clean up data, strip a bunch of legacy data for old branches


(Webtools Graveyard :: Elmo, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Pike, Assigned: Pike)



We have a bunch of data for old branches, which we don't really need. Haven't looked at them in ages, no objections from l10n drivers, too. Here's my take on my local dump: trees = list(Tree.objects.exclude(run__build__isnull=False).distinct().exclude(code__startswith='gaia')) > [<Tree: tb30x>, <Tree: fx35x>, <Tree: fx40x>, <Tree: sea20x>, <Tree: fx36x>, <Tree: tb33x>, <Tree: sea21x>, <Tree: fennec40x>, <Tree: fennec10x>, <Tree: lorentz>, <Tree: tb31x>, <Tree: fennec11x>, <Tree: calendar10x>, <Tree: calendar10b3pre>, <Tree: weave>] set(t.l10n for t in trees) > set([<Forest: releases/l10n-miramar>, <Forest: releases/l10n-mozilla-1.9.1>, <Forest: releases/l10n-mozilla-1.9.2>, <Forest: weave-l10n>, <Forest: releases/l10n-mozilla-2.0>]) for tree in trees: tree.delete() AppVersion.objects.exclude(trees__isnull=False) > [<AppVersion: Firefox 3.5>, <AppVersion: Firefox 3.6>, <AppVersion: Fennec 1.0>, <AppVersion: Thunderbird 3.0>, <AppVersion: Thunderbird 3.1>, <AppVersion: SeaMonkey 2.0>, <AppVersion: Fennec 1.1>, <AppVersion: Firefox Lorentz>, <AppVersion: Weave Addon>, <AppVersion: Lightning 1.0>, <AppVersion: Firefox 4.0>, <AppVersion: SeaMonkey 2.1>, <AppVersion: Fennec 4.0>, <AppVersion: Thunderbird 3.3>] AppVersion.objects.exclude(trees__isnull=False).delete() Forest.objects.exclude(tree__isnull=False) > [<Forest: releases/l10n-mozilla-1.9.1>, <Forest: releases/l10n-mozilla-1.9.2>, <Forest: weave-l10n>, <Forest: testpilot-l10n>, <Forest: releases/l10n-mozilla-2.0>, <Forest: releases/l10n-miramar>] Forest.objects.exclude(tree__isnull=False).delete() Repository.objects.filter(forest__isnull=True).exclude(push__changesets__run__build__isnull=False) > [<Repository: releases/mozilla-1.9.1>, <Repository: dom-inspector>, <Repository: releases/mozilla-1.9.2>, <Repository: releases/comm-1.9.1>, <Repository: projects/firefox-lorentz>, <Repository: releases/mobile-1.1>, <Repository: releases/comm-1.9.2>, <Repository: releases/mozilla-2.0>, <Repository: releases/mozilla-2.1>, <Repository: releases/mobile-2.0>] Repository.objects.filter(forest__isnull=True).exclude(push__changesets__run__build__isnull=False).delete() Application.objects.exclude(appversion__isnull=False) > [<Application: Weave>] Application.objects.exclude(appversion__isnull=False).delete() This gives me the following cleanups, in table name, prior value, removed rows: l10nstats_run 467896 128484 l10nstats_run_revisions 1126970 338888 l10nstats_run_unchangedmodules 2724948 715256 life_forest 17 6 life_push 196476 33040 life_push_changesets 1016302 57770 life_repository 1183 425 life_repository_changesets 1418324 277591 life_tree 43 15 shipping_action 27793 7913 shipping_application 7 1 shipping_appversion 182 14 shipping_appversiontreethrough 497 14 shipping_milestone 862 142 shipping_milestone_signoffs 47510 7469 shipping_signoff 15155 4226 shipping_snapshot 3247 3127 The snapshot count is sad, because that's a symptom that snapshots had been broken for ages. Need to investigate if we need the following archived repos and forests: Repository.objects.filter(archived=True) > [<Repository: mobile-browser>, <Repository: releases/comm-2.0>, <Repository: releases/comm-miramar>, <Repository: releases/mozilla-miramar>] Forest.objects.filter(archived=True) > [<Forest: releases/gaia-l10n/v1_0_1>, <Forest: releases/gaia-l10n/v1_1>] (Forests, yeah, I think so, repos not so much)
... I suspect that the repos we have archived are listed with builds because they share revisions with other repos, I find builds like sea_central and fennec_central. Let's get rid of them as they are old branches (we know). Repository.objects.filter(archived=True).delete() l10nstats_run 467896 128484 l10nstats_run_revisions 1126970 338888 l10nstats_run_unchangedmodules 2724948 715256 life_forest 17 6 life_push 196476 35771 life_push_changesets 1016302 68792 life_repository 1183 429 life_repository_changesets 1418324 364389 life_tree 43 15 shipping_action 27793 7913 shipping_application 7 1 shipping_appversion 182 14 shipping_appversiontreethrough 497 14 shipping_milestone 862 142 shipping_milestone_signoffs 47510 7469 shipping_signoff 15155 4226 shipping_snapshot 3247 3127
FWIW, I did spot check if the deleted runs have corresponding data in ES, and it seems that we deleted their build data before converting to ES, and thus, they don't.
I've done this on now, doing some tests there next.
Blocks: 1137666
Done on prod, marking FIXED.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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