Closed Bug 1137144 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Socorro not picking up FennecAndroid 37.0b1


(Socorro :: Database, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kairo, Assigned: selenamarie)



+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1122145 +++

Feels like bug 1122145 would only have been fixed for Nightly and Aurora, as FennecAndroid 37.0b1 isn't present on Socorro so far though it has been up at for a few days now.
Severity: normal → major
Assignee: nobody → rhelmer
Hm looks different from bug 1122145 (the repository looks fine)... I see an entry for this but it's not set as "featured" for some reason. Let me look a little deeper.
It looks like we've got entries in product_versions for Fennec but not for FennecAndroid... I am looking up how that mapping happens now.
It looks like what has changed now the platform names picked up are "android-arm" and "android-x86", but we only have entries in special_product_platforms for "android".

I want to avoid the false starts we had in bug 1122145 so going to modify and backfill this now, and write the migration when I am sure it's right.
(In reply to Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] from comment #3)
> It looks like what has changed now the platform names picked up are
> "android-arm" and "android-x86", but we only have entries in
> special_product_platforms for "android".

I take that back - we're picking up "android-x86", "android-api-9" and "android-api-11" (same build ID for all, which is the important thing from Socorro's PoV - to be able to match crash reports up with the desired display version).

I am testing a backfill for this right now, if it works I'll allow these platforms for both beta and release (since presumably we're going to hit the same issue there)
OK 37.0b1 now appears on but there's no data yet, I'm running a backfill now which may take a few hours.
Assignee: rhelmer → sdeckelmann
OK the version number is showing up now but the (very few) reports from the past few days aren't getting into tcbs or graphs. What I changed was:

insert into special_product_platforms values ('android-x86', 'mozilla-beta', 'beta', 'mobile', 'FennecAndroid', '37.0');
insert into special_product_platforms values ('android-arm', 'mozilla-beta', 'beta', 'mobile', 'FennecAndroid', '37.0');

Then a backfill:
(In reply to Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] from comment #6)
> Then a backfill:
> backfill_matviews('2015-02-25');

Note there are a few crash reports on 2015-02-24 so once we figure out what's going on here we should backfill that day too to pick these up.
We have not shipped this build backfilling is minor importance.
(In reply to Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] from comment #6)
> insert into special_product_platforms values ('android-x86', 'mozilla-beta',
> 'beta', 'mobile', 'FennecAndroid', '37.0');
> insert into special_product_platforms values ('android-arm', 'mozilla-beta',
> 'beta', 'mobile', 'FennecAndroid', '37.0');

Hm actually looking at the data we picked up from FTP again, we should not have "android-arm" above, we should have "android-api-9" and "android-api-11" as allowed platforms:

breakpad=# select * from releases_raw where product_name = 'mobile' and version = '37.0';
 product_name | version |    platform    |    build_id    | build_type | beta_number |  repository  | update_channel | version_build 
 mobile       | 37.0    | android-api-9  | 20150223185142 | beta       |           1 | mozilla-beta | beta           | 
 mobile       | 37.0    | android-api-11 | 20150223185142 | beta       |           1 | mozilla-beta | beta           | 
 mobile       | 37.0    | android-x86    | 20150223185142 | beta       |           1 | mozilla-beta | beta           | 
(3 rows)

This shouldn't be stopping TCBS or graphs backfill from working though, because the build ID is the important thing we're picking up (since the crash reports don't come in with the beta version set this is how we know a particular incoming crash was "37.0b1" and not "37.0")
Ok updated and doing a backfill: 

insert into special_product_platforms values ('android-api-9', 'mozilla-beta', 'beta', 'mobile', 'FennecAndroid', '37.0');
insert into special_product_platforms values ('android-api-11', 'mozilla-beta', 'beta', 'mobile', 'FennecAndroid', '37.0');
delete from special_product_platforms where platform = 'android-arm' and repository = 'mozilla-beta';
OK, this is fixed now, right?
Yes, this is fixed. I confirmed that reports are being aggregated in TCBS for the 24-26th.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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