Bug 1140316
Opened 10 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
[RTL][Gallery]The question mark in RTL is about the same size as that in LTR.
(Mozilla Localizations :: ar / Arabic, defect)
(b2g-v2.2 affected, b2g-master affected)
(Reporter: lulu.tian, Unassigned)
(1 file)
47.06 KB,
Details |
[RTL][v2.2&v3.0][Gallery]The Arabic question mark is about the same size as English question mark.
See attachment:question_mark.png
[2.Testing Steps]:
Prerequisite: Set system language as Arabic and have some photos in Gallery.
1. Launch Gallery app.
2. Select some photos.
3. Tap delete button to delete these photos.
4. Observe the "?" of prompt message.
[3.Expected Result]:
4. The Arabic question mark should be a smaller, higher positioned, and mirrored version of the English question mark.
[4.Actual Result]:
4. The Arabic question mark has the same size as English question mark.
[5.Reproduction build]:
Flame 2.2 build:
Build ID 20150305002528
Gaia Revision 89af288bad6751248ff84504fa898206fee127fe
Gaia Date 2015-03-04 18:00:05
Gecko Revision
Gecko Version 37.0
Device Name flame
Firmware(Release) 4.4.2
Firmware(Incremental) eng.cltbld.20150305.094337
Firmware Date Thu Mar 5 09:43:49 EST 2015
Bootloader L1TC000118D0
Flame 3.0 build:
Build ID 20150305072141
Gaia Revision 0017f2bbc63781a5409644b664d80ebaa1543653
Gaia Date 2015-03-05 00:46:59
Gecko Revision
Gecko Version 39.0a1
Device Name flame
Firmware(Release) 4.4.2
Firmware(Incremental) eng.cltbld.20150305.160341
Firmware Date Thu Mar 5 16:03:51 EST 2015
Bootloader L1TC000118D0
[6.Reproduction Frequency]:
Always Recurrence,5/5
Free Test
When delete a Connected Wi-Fi from Settings, the Arabic question mark is about the same size as English question mark.
Comment 1•10 years ago
I *think* this is an l10n issue that can be fixed by localizers, by using the Arabic-specific question mark, which as per the specs is in fact "a smaller, higher positioned, and mirrored version of the English question mark."
Please let me know if this can't be fixed on l10n side. Thanks
No longer blocks: system-rtl
Component: Gaia → ar / Arabic
Flags: needinfo?(rami223)
Product: Firefox OS → Mozilla Localizations
Comment 2•10 years ago
If an English question mark was used, it would have appeared the same as it would within an English Test. It would also appear on the right side instead of the left side of the sentence (see examples below). So what we're seeing in the snapshot is an Arabic question mark.
Arabic question mark at the end of Arabic text:
English question mark at the end of Arabic text:
Not all Arabic fonts design the question mark as it should be: "a smaller, higher positioned, and mirrored version of the English question mark". Some of them just use a mirrored version of the English question mark, like the font displayed in the snapshot and many Windows standard fonts. So it is more of a font issue than a localization issue.
Flags: needinfo?(rami223)
Comment 3•10 years ago
Hey thanks Linostar for that explanation :)
Of course it's not the English question mark here - however I thought maybe it was still a possible "incorrect" version of the font.
I will therefore close this bug as resolved-invalid. Please re-open if deemed necessary at one point. thanks!
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Comment 4•10 years ago
I’m not sure what is the origin of the smaller or raised question mark idea, the only requirement of the Arabic question mark is to be a mirrored version of the ASCII one. It may or may not have a different size or baseline, depending on what fonts end up being used.
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