Closed Bug 1144217 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Improve "User-Agent to Device" list in order to find and list in questions the devices names.


( :: BuddyUp, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: marcia, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: p=0 s=bu.2015.6)


(3 files)

Attached image 2015-03-17-10-10-19.png
Following the commit for, I see the following in the UI: STR: 1. Login to BuddyUp using an existing user name 2. Observe the attached screenshot taken from the Fire E running 2.0 Prior this commit the device model was showing in the UI.
Attached image Main page of Buddy Up
Here is what it looks like on the main page.
Before this, I think you were seeing "OneTouch6015X" which is not exactly the "device model" but the representation of that device in the user agent. This is what we stored in this particular question. You can see the list of user agents we recognise here: We can add "OneTouch6015X" to this list. Can you share what you see when visiting with that device?
Flags: needinfo?(mozillamarcia.knous)
Blocks: 1123656
(In reply to Anthony Ricaud (:rik) from comment #2) > Before this, I think you were seeing "OneTouch6015X" which is not exactly > the "device model" but the representation of that device in the user agent. > This is what we stored in this particular question. > > You can see the list of user agents we recognise here: > > 0ac6c589da9e60fbebd2c9a55cf583fcc71c7e91/app/js/utils.js#L25 > > We can add "OneTouch6015X" to this list. > > Can you share what you see when visiting with > that device? Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; OneTouch6015X; rv:32.0) Gecko/32.0 Firefox/32.0 I will post a picture of the Pixie device shortly, which shows device name, branch and carrier.
Flags: needinfo?(mozillamarcia.knous)
Summary: Version and Operator showing in question posting, but not device → [Fire E] Version and Operator showing in question posting, but not device
So I think this bug is just about improving our list of mapping useragent -> device name. That's a really easy thing to change. I'll leave this open for a few days in case you see other problems and I can update in a batch. Also, I should note that currently, when we can't recognise a device from the user agent, we display nothing (which is why OneTouch6015X is not displayed here)
I'll rename this bug to address the real issue. Also I want add the link from the bug 1123656, comment 4 which seems to be a complete "user-agents to devices" list.
Summary: [Fire E] Version and Operator showing in question posting, but not device → Improve "User-Agent to Device" list in order to find and list in questions the devices names.
(In reply to Alfredos-Panagiotis Damkalis [:fredy] from comment #6) > I'll rename this bug to address the real issue. Thanks for the new summary. > Also I want add the link from the bug 1123656, comment 4 which seems to be a > complete "user-agents to devices" list. We went with another list that has more user agents and is organised differently. Kadir: I think we should keep this as a last minute task to do just before release.
Flags: needinfo?(a.topal)
Depends on: demo-blockers
Flags: needinfo?(a.topal)
Whiteboard: p= s=bu.2015.6
Target Milestone: --- → 2015Q2
No longer depends on: demo-blockers
Whiteboard: p= s=bu.2015.6 → p=0 s=bu.2015.6
Closed: 10 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(mozillamarcia.knous)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
After this update, my Fire E still doesn't show the info. I do see a top user with the name "sumoere" who has a post with a Fire E which shows all the information. Would be interesting to find out who has that device and what the diff is between my device and theirs.
Flags: needinfo?(mozillamarcia.knous)
I think sumoere is Fredy. Marcia: Can you ping me on IRC when you ask a question from this device? I can then look at what's happening in it.
Flags: needinfo?(mozillamarcia.knous)
I can verify this now works on Fire E after I updated my phone again today, but I can verify very few other shipped devices. At some point we should try to acquire more shipped devices or ping the QA team in TPE to see if they can help test. I think we should hold off on verifying this until we can check a few more. So far I tested Pixie, LG25 and Fire E. Some of the other shipped devices I have are all 1.3 devices, and we cannot test them until we get 1.3 working.
Flags: needinfo?(mozillamarcia.knous)
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