Open Bug 114508 Opened 23 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The syntax of the Last-Modified header of a HTTP response is not validated before storing the cache entry, and a malformed date will be used verbatim in future requests' If-Modified-Since


(Core :: Networking: HTTP, defect, P5)





(Reporter: aaronr, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [necko-would-take])


(1 file)

I don't know if this will be a bug or not, but I think that it is 
imporant that you decide whether this is a behavior that you want to 
emulate or not. 

The "If-Modified-Since" header entry is treated differently in Mozilla 
than Netscape 4.x.  In Netscape 4.x, if the "Last-Modified" header 
entry is of an unexpected format, it wouldn't put a "If-Modified-Since" 
entry in the request header.  In Mozilla, it will blindly use the value 
that was in the "Last-Modified" entry.  This is done in 
nsHttpChannel::CheckCache().  We ran into a problem in OS2 where the 
web server would set Last-Modified in milliseconds since it was 
generated by Java.  But it didn't like receiving milliseconds in 
"If-Modified-Since" since it was looking for a string here, not a 
value.  Yes, this is a bug in the web server, but it illustrates the 
problems that MIGHT exist out there.  BTW, IE 5.5 translates 
milliseconds into a proper date format to pass back in as 

If you want to emulate the 4.x behavior, you just need to add a check 
after the call to PeekHeader(nsHttp::Last_Modified) inside 
nsHttpChannel::CheckCache().  Pass the value returned by this 
PeekHeader to PR_ParseTimeString(val, TRUE, &validTime).  If it doesn't 
return PR_FAILURE, then it is a format that we understand.  Otherwise 
set val=nsnull and pass that into SetHeader(nsHttp::If_Modified_Since).

Again, I don't know if this is the kind of thing you want to do or not, 
but it really needs to be considered as a "quirk" if nothing else.

i'm all for supporting quirks provided they're handled as error conditions...
ie,  IMO we should minimize the cost of checking for quirks.

and... sounds like you have a patch in mind...
   ... how about whipping one together?  :-)
This doesn't have the "error condition only" type of checking that you were
hoping for, but maybe that is something that we can add if the quick checking
in PR_ParseTimeString isn't quick enough.
i think this patch is reasonable, and i'd like to enable it XP.  i was even
thinking that a PeekDateHeader method might be nice.  this method would do the
checking as you have done.  i suspect there might be other places in the code
that might want such a function.  at any rate, thanks for the suggested patch :)
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.8
-> mozilla1.0, though it may miss.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.8 → mozilla1.0
-> will get to this after moz 1.0
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla1.0.1
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0.1 → ---
mass futuring of untargeted bugs
Target Milestone: --- → Future
-> default owner
Assignee: darin → nobody
QA Contact: tever → networking.http
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Summary: Net 4.x/Mozilla difference treating "If-Modified-Since" → The syntax of the Last-Modified header of a HTTP response is not validated before storing the cache entry, and a malformed date will be used verbatim in future requests' If-Modified-Since
Whiteboard: [necko-would-take]
Bulk change to priority:
Priority: -- → P5
Severity: normal → S3
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