Closed Bug 1150570 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Search] Stuck on the search provider screen after pulling down utility tray


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::System, defect)

Not set


(blocking-b2g:2.2+, b2g-v2.2 verified, b2g-master verified)

2.2 S10 (17apr)
blocking-b2g 2.2+
Tracking Status
b2g-v2.2 --- verified
b2g-master --- verified


(Reporter: apastor, Assigned: kgrandon)


(Whiteboard: [systemsfe])


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

STR: 1.- Search something in the rocketbar 2.- Click on the search provider 3.- When the selector is displayed, pull down the utility tray 4.- Click again on the rocketbar Expected: The provider selector has been closed or, at least, the keyboard is not shown Actual: The provider selector menu is still there, and the keyboard doesn't allow to clik OK
I thought this issue would be fixed by bug 1150424, but I noticed they are actually 2 different problems, and I would say that this one is a blocker. Kevin, I won't have time to take it. Do you have bandwidth?
Flags: needinfo?(kgrandon)
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.2?
blocking-b2g: 2.2? → 2.2+
Assignee: nobody → kgrandon
Flags: needinfo?(kgrandon)
Comment on attachment 8588276 [details] [review] [gaia] KevinGrandon:bug_1150570_publish_search_window_closing > mozilla-b2g:master Hey Alive - could you take a look at this if you have a chance? It appears that the search app was never firing a `closing` event. If we fire this from rocketbar, ValueSelector will receive it and close the selector. What do you think?
Attachment #8588276 - Flags: review?(alive)
Comment on attachment 8588276 [details] [review] [gaia] KevinGrandon:bug_1150570_publish_search_window_closing > mozilla-b2g:master I somewhat dislike the manager does the favor for the instance for what it should do... could we just publish another event here?
Attachment #8588276 - Flags: review?(alive)
(In reply to Kevin Grandon :kgrandon from comment #3) > Comment on attachment 8588276 [details] [review] > [gaia] KevinGrandon:bug_1150570_publish_search_window_closing > > mozilla-b2g:master > > Hey Alive - could you take a look at this if you have a chance? It appears > that the search app was never firing a `closing` event. If we fire this from > rocketbar, ValueSelector will receive it and close the selector. What do you > think? Good investigation. No closing event is correct - it is because rocketbar has 'immediate' transition so it will just go from the opened state to the closed state. So since the problem is ValueSelector needs closing event, I think the solution here is adding 'closed' event in ValueSelector. Could you try with this? Thanks!
Attachment #8588276 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 8588620 [details] [review] [gaia] KevinGrandon:bug_1150570_value_selector_closed_evt > mozilla-b2g:master Hey Alive - new patch here, seems to work just as well. Please take a look if you have time, thanks!
Attachment #8588620 - Flags: review?(alive)
Comment on attachment 8588620 [details] [review] [gaia] KevinGrandon:bug_1150570_value_selector_closed_evt > mozilla-b2g:master Nice, thanks!
Attachment #8588620 - Flags: review?(alive) → review+
Keywords: checkin-needed
Keywords: checkin-needed
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 2.2 S10 (17apr)
Since it is a 2.2 blocker, please uplift to 2.2. Thanks. ;)
Flags: needinfo?(kgrandon)
Comment on attachment 8588620 [details] [review] [gaia] KevinGrandon:bug_1150570_value_selector_closed_evt > mozilla-b2g:master [Approval Request Comment] [Bug caused by] (feature/regressing bug #): Feature implementation. [User impact] if declined: Poor UX when using rocketbar features. [Testing completed]: Manual and unit testing. [Risk to taking this patch] (and alternatives if risky): Low risk, small contained patch. [String changes made]: None.
Flags: needinfo?(kgrandon)
Attachment #8588620 - Flags: approval-gaia-v2.2?(bbajaj)
Attachment #8588620 - Flags: approval-gaia-v2.2?(bbajaj) → approval-gaia-v2.2+
Flags: needinfo?(hcheng)
verified with below test env... *v2.2 Build ID 20150416162504 Gaia Revision d50b8a3919a7b4d8d289f150d3b9bed704ebafa9 Gaia Date 2015-04-16 21:46:57 Gecko Revision Gecko Version 37.0 Device Name flame Firmware(Release) 4.4.2 Firmware(Incremental) eng.cltbld.20150416.195720 Firmware Date Thu Apr 16 19:57:29 EDT 2015 Bootloader L1TC000118D0 *master Build ID 20150416160206 Gaia Revision 3cd0a9facce26c2acc7be3755a17131a6358e33f Gaia Date 2015-04-16 16:33:22 Gecko Revision Gecko Version 40.0a1 Device Name flame Firmware(Release) 4.4.2 Firmware(Incremental) eng.cltbld.20150416.191700 Firmware Date Thu Apr 16 19:17:10 EDT 2015 Bootloader L1TC000118D0
Flags: needinfo?(hcheng)
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