Open Bug 1150643 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Changing location via a frame script causes us to leak nsGlobalWindows on shutdown


(Core :: DOM: Navigation, defect)





(Reporter: mconley, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

Strangely, I can only reproduce this _without_ e10s. STR: 1) Apply the patch in this bug 2) Run ./mach mochitest-browser toolkit/content/tests/browser/browser_remote_canGoBack_After_GC.js ER: Test should run and pass without leaks. AR: 22 INFO TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | toolkit/content/tests/browser/browser_remote_canGoBack_After_GC.js | leaked until shutdown [nsGlobalWindow #22 inner about:home about:home] - expected PASS 23 INFO TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | toolkit/content/tests/browser/browser_remote_canGoBack_After_GC.js | leaked until shutdown [nsGlobalWindow #19 outer about:blank] - expected PASS 24 INFO TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | toolkit/content/tests/browser/browser_remote_canGoBack_After_GC.js | leaked until shutdown [nsGlobalWindow #23 inner about:blank about:blank] - expected PASS I've eliminated ContentTask and withNewTab as the culprits - it's only when I don't set content.location that I cause these leaks. mccr8 - I know you were doing docShell leak stuff before... is this in your wheelhouse?
Blocks: 1150200
Flags: needinfo?(continuation)
Or maybe billm? Does this sound familiar to you?
Flags: needinfo?(wmccloskey)
Sorry, I'm not sure. I suspect ContentTask is somehow at fault, but I don't have time to investigate.
Flags: needinfo?(wmccloskey)
I looked at this locally, using CC logs. All three windows are being held alive by a DETH, via an IDBFactory. The DETH is destroyed somewhere in between CCs, near the end. Two look like this: 0x112ed2540 [DOMEventTargetHelper about:home] --[mFactory]--> 0x1128ab180 [IDBFactory] --[mWindow]--> 0x12c5e6000 [nsGlobalWindow #22 inner about:home] Root 0x112ed2540 is a ref counted object with 1 unknown edge(s). The third one starts out like that but is held alive on the window through the form controls on the document. I don't know if this is useful: 0x112ed2540 [DOMEventTargetHelper about:home] --[mFactory]--> 0x1128ab180 [IDBFactory] --[mWindow]--> 0x12c5e6000 [nsGlobalWindow #22 inner about:home] --[mDoc]--> 0x12c5d4000 [nsDocument normal (xhtml) about:home] --[mFormControls]--> 0x12dbb72c0 [nsBaseContentList] --[mElements[i]]--> 0x12cac6e50 [FragmentOrElement (xhtml) button id='searchIcon' about:home] --[GetParent()]--> 0x12db39000 [FragmentOrElement (xhtml) form id='searchForm' about:home] --[mAttrsAndChildren[i]]--> 0x1287d5f90 [FragmentOrElement (xhtml) input id='searchText' about:home] --[[via hash] mListenerManager]--> 0x12e2143e0 [EventListenerManager] --[mListeners event=onblur listenerType=3 [i]]--> 0x110f219a0 [CallbackObject] --[mCallback]--> 0x110ee7060 [JS Object (Object)] --[group_proto]--> 0x12c0e3740 [JS Object (Object)] --[_sendMsg]--> 0x12c2bcf00 [JS Object (Function - SearchSuggestionUIController.prototype._sendMsg)] --[script]--> 0x12c2c1f38 [JS Script] --[objects[1]]--> 0x12c0e9400 [JS Object (Object)] --[group_proto]--> 0x12c0e3100 [JS Object (Object)] --[valueOf]--> 0x12c2354c0 [JS Object (Function - valueOf)] --[global]--> 0x12c0e2100 [JS Object (Window)] --[CLASS_OBJECT(Object)]--> 0x12c0f10a0 [JS Object (Proxy)] --[private]--> 0x12c0f1080 [JS Object (Proxy)] --[global, private]--> 0x12c0e2060 [JS Object (Window)] --[UnwrapDOMObject(obj)]--> 0x1136d2c00 [nsGlobalWindow #23 inner about:blank]
Flags: needinfo?(continuation)
Blocks: 1153414
Severity: normal → S3
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