Closed Bug 1151429 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Allow JS to copy text to the clipboard by triggering document.execCommand('copy') or document.execCommand('cut') in user-initiated thread


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: armenzg, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [clipops] [parity:chrome] [parity:IE])

Currently in bugzilla, we have to add Flash to allow clicking on a button and putting the bug summary into the clipboard. If we want to move the web forward (and bugzilla) we should fix this by providing a solution with JS.
Per spec, what you need is now possible (though in a slightly convoluted way) - this is how you do it: document.addEventListener('copy', function(e){ e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', 'foo'); e.preventDefault(); // default behaviour is to copy any selected text } element.onclick = function(){ document.execCommand('copy'); // only works in click handler or other user-triggered thread } Clicking element should now place the string 'foo' on the clipboard. The underlying security logic depends on the "which JS threads are allowed to show popup windows?" rules - see . However, this functionality isn't yet implemented in Firefox - I'm not sure if any browsers support it just yet. In Firefox it's particularly tricky I believe because of interaction with key/menu handling and selection code - if there is no selection, Firefox doesn't let you trigger copy actions at all I think, disabling both the menu entry and the shortcut key. I'd like to have support for the onbeforecopy - type events instead. The spec is probably at a stage where some actual implementation effort and experience would be great (and feasible) after my edits in December.
Summary: Allow JS to copy text to the clipboard → Allow JS to copy text to the clipboard by triggering document.execCommand('copy') or document.execCommand('cut') in user-initiated thread
Whiteboard: [clipops]
Chrome has recently enabled this functionality. I haven’t yet figured out how to make it work on contents of form fields like <textarea>, but in Chrome 42 (currently beta), it is now possible to select text on a web page and copy it to the clipboard via document.execCommand('copy') from within a user-initiated event handler. Source w/ demo: Also note that this functionality is available in Internet Explorer as well.
Whiteboard: [clipops] → [clipops] [parity:chrome] [parity:IE]
Hm.. I had apparently reported this as bug 1012662 already, sorry about that :-/
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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