Open Bug 1151680 Opened 9 years ago Updated 8 years ago

Some pics stop displaying after staying on a page for awhile


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

SeaMonkey 2.33 Branch
Windows 8.1
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ohgunguy, Unassigned)



(3 files)

Attached image printscreen.jpg
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0 SeaMonkey/2.33.1
Build ID: 20150321194901

Steps to reproduce:

Since one of the latest updates to SeaMonkey, I am finding that if I stay on a page very long, that some pictures on the page will randomly stop displaying. If I scroll, the pics that are not displaying, may change. See screenshot.

I have tried...
Reloading page.
Clearing Cache and History.
Neither fixes the problem. The pics are actually there, but SeaMonkey stops "rendering" them.

Loading the same page in Firefox or IE does not reproduce the problem.
It happens on more than one website.
Once the bug starts appearing on a given page, the only way I have found to get the missing pics to display properly, is to exit SeaMonkey, reopen, and go back to that page. 
The problem does not seem to happen on the first page load, but only after sitting on a page for awhile. However, if the same pic is used on multiple pages (such as a header logo), that pic may fail to render on other site pages, even though it is the first time that page was loaded.
The site I print screened, is a very basic HTML site with no scripting or style sheets.

I have also created a new profile, with zero changes to the default settings, just to see if maybe I had a corrupt preferences file or something, since I have been using some of the same profiles since Netscape. A brand new SeaMonkey profile in version 2.33.1 also shows the bug.

I'm running Windows 8.1 Pro.
Attached image printscreen2.jpg
Attached image printscreen3.jpg
Hmm. I had this happen one day on my own site. After uploading some new images (some of which were updated versions of existing images) when I tested the pages, SM acted like some images were missing from the server, including some that had been there unchanged for over 15 years. If I'd re-upload the missing image, then it would temporarily appear, but if I reloaded the page it would disappear again. This went on for a couple hours, then the problem went away and I haven't seen it again. It wasn't my web host being stupid (checked with another browser). I think this was shortly after I updated to SM 2.39 (I had been using 2.25 before that, with no special problems). Clear cache/restart didn't help. Now I'm wondering if SM wasn't playing nice with its own cache.
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