Closed Bug 1152513 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Autophone - webappstart no WEBAPP STARTUP COMPLETE detected in Beta/Release


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Web Apps (PWAs), defect)

Not set


(firefox38 affected, firefox39 unaffected, firefox40 unaffected, fennec-)

Tracking Status
firefox38 --- affected
firefox39 --- unaffected
firefox40 --- unaffected
fennec - ---


(Reporter: bc, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: regression)

Summary: Autophone - webappstart no → Autophone - webappstart no WEBAPP STARTUP COMPLETE detected
I bet this is bug 1149094. I/GeckoConsole(15490): WEBAPP STARTUP COMPLETE
Do you know where this string is being sent from?
(In reply to Bob Clary [:bc:] from comment #3) > Crap. I don't know of any other way to push something into the Android Log from web content. Since we shut that down in Beta and Release, we may be forced to focus on Nightly and Aurora for now. It's possible we could add a preference to turn it back on, and autophone could flip the pref, but that's not likely to happen in the short term.
Maybe there is a place for Mozilla to emit that into the Log from Java code, instead of Snorp's webapp.
tracking-fennec: ? → -
Summary: Autophone - webappstart no WEBAPP STARTUP COMPLETE detected → Autophone - webappstart no WEBAPP STARTUP COMPLETE detected in Beta/Release
Per bug 1235869, we're going to disable the Android web runtime, so we won't fix this bug in it. (This is part of a bulk resolution of bugs in the Firefox for Android::Web Apps component, from which I attempted to exclude bugs that are not specific to the runtime, but it's possible that I included one accidentally. If so, I'm sorry, and please reopen the bug!)
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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