Closed Bug 115266 Opened 23 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Tracking bug for new Plug-in API doc


(Developer Documentation Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: chak, Assigned: oeschger)




The doc at should be
updated once our installers are fixed to include the new registry keys/values
mentioned at
Assignee: endico → aruner
Depends on: 109402
Perhaps we could generalize this to be a tracking bug for the new plug-in docs?
Arun, not sure if you want to keep the reg key matter separate, or if I can
accept this and update the summary.

Updating summary (was: Update the plugin install doc with new registry key
info...) and REASSIGNING to self as a general tracking bug for the new plug-in
api doc.

I'll update the URL as well when I have the new doc sitting in some more
permanent place.
Assignee: aruner → oeschger
Summary: Update the plugin install doc with new registry key info... → Tracking bug for new Plug-in API doc
ACCEPTING. Also adding some suggestions peterl sent me about updates we need:

1) Only on Windows, Mozilla attempts to catch exceptions thrown in a plugin
during NPP calls. Developers may want their plugin to crash on them so they can
more easily find the cause. Do do this, add this pref to prefs.js:
user_pref("plugin.dont_try_safe_calls", true);

2) Be sure to include directions on how to read the Windows registry keys for
correct installation of plugins. This is changing for what's currently
published. See bug: 109402. Some tips on how to do simple packaging with
XPInstall may also be nice.

3) (NS62) We've changed the order of scanning plugins. On NT and UNIX, whatever
path is pointed to by MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH is always scanned first for plugins. After
that it's the local plugins folder that resides next to the application. After
that, on Mac we scan the ~/Library/Internet Plugins then /Library/Internet Plugins.
I have a new version of plug-in API doc that includes the new scripting info
(albeit in a stubby way), some new formatting and verbage (e.g., Navigator ->
"the browser"), and the basic parts of the API, including errors, structures,

Lots to do, but will be maintaining here while I work on it:

Please continue to post suggestions, additions, and complaints in this bug.
whoops. make that:
Also for your reading pleasure: a PDF version at
Working on some installation docs for plug-ins now. Have made a couple of
updates to the working draft. See updated URL.
accepting QA for mozilla developer docs.

some of these bugs have been around for a _long_ time. Reporters, would you
please review the bugs, see if the issues have been resolved, and close bugs

I will do a full review of all bugs not touched in one week (8th April). 


QA Contact: endico → imajes
updating URL. The jazz draft is way old now. 
update published at 

Includes a winReg script sample, lots of formatting updates and small edits,
lots more cross-references between functions/structs, the NPP->NP function
updates, and more. Also in HTML 4.0 now (I think): I'm using a better template
for the HTML generation.
moving stuff over to an outside-the-firewall email for the time being, looking
for people to pick these Help and doc bugs up for me.
Assignee: oeschger → oeschger
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Component: Mozilla Developer → Documentation Requests
Product: Documentation → Mozilla Developer Center
Component: Documentation Requests → Documentation
Component: Documentation → General
Product: Mozilla Developer Network → Developer Documentation
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