Closed Bug 115359 Opened 23 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Public key cert failed to add to certdb with encrypt only msg


(MailNews Core :: Security: S/MIME, defect, P2)

1.0 Branch


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: alam, Assigned: KaiE)



(Whiteboard: [kerh-coz])

Build used: 2001-12-14 trunk Step to reproduce: 1. Create a new profile with sectest account, go to "" to import the sectest2's public key certificate. 2. From sectest account, send an encrypt ONLY message to sectest2. 3. From sectest2 account, open the encrypted message sent from sectest1. The message should be decrypted and display correctly. Actual result: The sender(sectest)'s public key cert is not added to the certdb. (Open the "Other People" tab from the Certificate Manager, and the sectest's public key cert is not there). Expected result: The sender(sectest)'s public key cert should be added to the certdb, and can be viewed in the "Other People" tab from the Cert Manager.
Antonio, Can you check that the certs did verify in each of these accounts? The issues here may be that we won't import the cert in the db if the cert doesn't verify. If you don't have the Intranet Certificate Authority cert in sectest2 profile, or the GTE CyberTrust Root (signer of Int. Cert. Auth.) is not trusted then the cert wouldn't verify, and would not be added to the cert. Why shouldn't the cert not be added? Because otherwise, one may try to trick you into believing that you have a valid encryption cert for sectest, and you would send an encrypted email to sectest when in fact it would be encrypted with somebody's cert. Somebody listening to the wire who would have planted the cert would then be able to read the message. Sectest wouldn't. In fact the code today wouldn't find the certificate if it's not trusted and would not use it to encrypt. So if the issue was that you missed the appropriate trusted chain, the bug is invalid.
Assignee: ssaux → kaie
Priority: -- → P2
Target Milestone: --- → 2.2
I have confirmed that both the sectest and sectest2's certs are verified correctly, and the "GTE Cyber Trust Root" CA is trusted for the following: 1. Can identify web sites. 2. Can identify mail users 3. Can identify software makers for both account.
I also trusted all three operations for "Intranet Certificate Authority" CA, and same problem: Sender's cert is not add to be certdb.
I think I have seen this, too. I suspect, when a encrypted only message is sent, the certificates are not even getting attached to the message. I will have to check that.
Blocks: 74157
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: PC → All
S/MIME bugs are automatically nsbeta1 candidates. (this is a bulk update - there may be some adjustment of the list).
Keywords: nsbeta1
Keywords: nsbeta1+
Keywords: nsbeta1
QA Contact: alam → carosendahl
Note to self: As far as I understand it now, we currently have only one location in the code, where certs from messages are being imported, and that is inside nsCMSMessage::VerifyDetachedSignature.
I would like to de-nominate from beta. I think this is a feature, not a bug. I looked at what Communicator did. It doesn't learn the sender's by reading an ecnrytped-only message. Whenever I heard in the past about S/Mime, all instructions said, you begin by receiving a signed message, to obtain someone's cert. Is it even allowed to collect certs from non-signed emails?
Keywords: nsbeta1+nsbeta1-
If the sender cert is not present, then how will replies be encrypted or forwarded messages be decrypted? As to whether or not it gets added to the other's tab, is a matter of preference. My take on it is that a signature invites the use of encryption (should an encryption cert be provided) in any case, whereas an encrypted message mandates encryption on replies and forwarding.
Target Milestone: 2.2 → Future
Ok, thinking about this more, I changed my mind and now agree the request is valid. Suppose person A sends an encrypted message to a group of people, including B and C. Suppose you previously received a signed message from person A. Suppose you are person B. Suppose you never received a signed message from person C. I agree that it is reasonable that you (person B) should be able to compose an encrypted reply to all recipients of the original message. In order to achieve this goal, we must import all valid certificates of all recipients of the received encrypted only message. I wonder whether this problem still exists. There was a time, when sent messages were not encrypted to self. As a result, the sender's cert was not contained in the list of recipients. But meanwhile this problem was fixed, and if the sender has a personal encryption cert configured, the sender's cert will be included. Charles, could you please test whether this is meanwhile working? If not, we should import all valid recipient certificates.
Keywords: nsbeta1-nsbeta1
Product: PSM → Core
Whiteboard: [kerh-coz]
QA Contact: carosendahl → s.mime
Version: psm2.2 → 1.0 Branch
Product: Core → MailNews Core
An encrypted-only (not signed) message is called an "enveloped" message in S/MIME-speak. An enveloped message does not contain a complete copy of any certificates (unless those certificates were sent as attachments to the message by the sender). An enveloped message contains "Recipient Info" structures that help the recipient identify which of his certificates is the one that was used when the message was encrypted, but these typically only contain the Issuer Name and Serial Number fields of the recipient's certificate, not the entire certificate. So, the messages simply do not have the info necessary to do what this bug/RFE requests. Changing that would mean changing the CMS protocol (the protocol that defines the format of the signed or encrypted contents of an S/MIME message). See RFC 2630, section 6, Enveloped-data Content Type.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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