Open Bug 1155296 Opened 9 years ago Updated 3 years ago

"Unable to save your message as draft" when creating a reply message


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Composition, defect)

SeaMonkey 2.33 Branch
Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: 3.14, Unassigned)


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0 SeaMonkey/2.33.1

This problem is new, I believe since the last update. I have not changed any configuration.

Sometimes (in most cases actually!) when I compose a new message and autosave (or manual save) wants to save a draft a window comes up saying: "Unable to save your message as draft. Please verify that your Mail & Newsgroups account settings are correct and try again." I only see this problem when replying to an existing message. 

Once the message is there I cannot find any way to rescue the message. It sometimes work to reply again and copy the original mail content into the new copy. Sometimes it requires several attempts. In the end, I could always send a message. This proves that my setting actually are correct. Also since they are unchanged, they must be correct.

This is a major problem which makes it very hard to work with mail. 

Please advise how I can debug further.
Does it happens when replying to a msg containing an image ?
If so, there is already a number of old bugs that refer to this issue.
save as draft a message containing an image more than once fails, either via autosave or manually saving (the first autosave or manual save works, then the next one fails). 

I will need to search the exact bugs here (although the scenarios may vary a little bit...).
That was my first idea, but then I observed it in a reply to a text/plain message (I also did not add any non-text elements).
Any error messages in the error console?
Sorry for the late reply. As frequent as the problem showed up, it hasn't for a number of days now, making it hard to debug. I will follow-up as soon as I can.
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