Closed Bug 1155867 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[marketing][masterfirefoxos][fr]: video demo tips - voice over production for 2.0 needed


(Mozilla Localizations :: fr / French, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: CocoMo, Assigned: shui)



Hello Spencer and Delphine, To follow up on the email, this is what needs to be done. Spencer has done this many times, the only difference is that the script is from the Amara site. Production site: Amara site with video scripts: To download the script for each video, here is how. - Click on any of the URLs above - Select French on the left side - On the right side, click on the Download button, which prompts a list of format to download in - Select "txt" and Save. Once the recording is done, Spencer will mix the video and audio together. He will post the links here for review and sign off. We will then replace the videos on the production site with these voice over versions. I hope you both find the time to do it early in the week. Then we have Delphine and the community to review the mixer. Hopefully they can be signed off and pushed to production by Friday. Thanks to you both! Peiying
Assignee: → shui
Blocks: 1142638
Set to record Thursday.
Hi Spencer, Can we have all these videos assembled and pushed to production today? Marketing is waiting for the site to go live. The web part is done. We are waiting for the videos. Let me know.
Blocks: 1158961
I sent out the videos for review last week but they have not had a chance to get to it yet, did you just want me to upload them as place holder for now?
upload to the cdn.
I mean Delphine not Luciana ******
Delphine is on PTO today. If Theo is still up, he can help review it. Theo, in case you are still up, could you please review the videos and see if they are good to go? Thanks a bunch!
Flags: needinfo?(theo.chevalier11)
Just watched the videos, this one is definitely wrong: Delphine's voice is mixed with the English voice during the 30 first seconds :) Otherwise, looks good to me. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(theo.chevalier11)
opps forgot to silence the English track. Fixing it now. Making changes to the text as well. Thanks Theo
Hi Spencer, can you post the updated video link here ASAP? we need to push this to production on Tuesday. Thanks!
edits have been made, waiting for the CDN to refresh.
is it ready now?
its updated now.
Sorry, but you missed a letter, it should be "Contrôler sa consommatio*n* de données" not "Contrôler sa consommatio de données"
Fixed, cache needs to emptied again. I've already filed a bug for it.
its updated now.
(In reply to Spencer Hui from comment #16) > its updated now. Looks good, thanks!
thanks everyone for making it happen!! We are done. I will file a bug to push it to production!
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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