Closed Bug 1157191 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[FFOS7715 v2.1][System] The systemUpdatable is still in updatesQueue for available updates after install systemUpdatable.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::System, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: chaochao.huang, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [sprd=424312], [POVB])


(2 files)


1、Open the Settings app, and go to Device information panel, then click 'Check now'. 
2、You will find 'System update' in notification bar.
3、Download 'System update'.
4、Install 'System update' after download it
5、You will find the systemUpdatable is still in updatesQueue for available updates after install systemUpdatable after the device restarts.

6. Ihe systemUpdatable is still in updatesQueue for available updates after install systemUpdatable after the device restarts.

7.the systemUpdatable should be remove from updatesQueue for available updates after install systemUpdatable after the device restarts.
Hi Etienne Segonzac,

Could you help check this issue?
Flags: needinfo?(etienne)

Could you help look for someone to check this iuuue?

Flags: needinfo?(vchen)
Hi Chaochao, to better understand this issue, could you provide a reproduce video clip? thanks!

Hi Shawn/Steven, could you find someone to check this bug?

Flags: needinfo?(vchen)
Flags: needinfo?(styang)
Flags: needinfo?(sku)
Flags: needinfo?(chaochao.huang)

It is not a crash issue, but a OTA bug. It seems that OTA package is not installed to device successfully. So,
1. Please provide related logs for issue classification.
2. Did you see the device reboot to recovery mode and start to install OTA package after STR#4 in comment 1? If device reboots to recovery for OTA update, you are supposed to see "Firefox OS" in the middle of the screen with black background and a circle keeps running also.
3. Could you run "" to check if the version of gaia and gecko have been changed and build ID has been changed also after your STR in comment 1?
2. Please tell or share with us the base images you used for your STR. Can we flash the same base images and download the OTA package to reproduce the issue from our side?
Attached file Logs.rar
Flags: needinfo?(chaochao.huang)
(In reply to Rex Hung[:rhung] from comment #4)

1. I have uploaded the log to Attachments.

2. It is normal that device reboot to recovery mode and start to install OTA package. I also see "Firefox OS" in the middle of the screen with black background and a circle keeps running.

3. Brfore upload 

Gaia      fa9fb90a3eaad9feff807249a925926626287908
Gecko     14a0bd22330f280a929bae7a3fa7692ee4d666e8
BuildID   20150331132719
Version   34.0 Mar 31 13:22:39 CST 2015

After upload

Gaia      fa9fb90a3eaad9feff807249a925926626287908
Gecko     14a0bd22330f280a929bae7a3fa7692ee4d666e8
BuildID   20150331134253
Version   34.0 Mar 31 13:22:39 CST 2015

4. Our speed of Internet is slow. I will give your email after upload the images and OTA update package to server.

Chaochao, In the attached log I didn't see there is a system update, I am not sure how you can download. BTW, How do you check the if systemUpdatable is still in updatesQueue? I Thinks it would be better to have a video clip as Vance suggested.
Flags: needinfo?(chaochao.huang)
Clear NIs. Before the STR and issue is identified, I think we can do nothing.
Flags: needinfo?(styang)
Flags: needinfo?(sku)
Flags: needinfo?(etienne)
(In reply to Kai-Zhen Li [:kli][:seinlin] from comment #7)
Hi Kai-Zhen,

You can download the video about this issue from .

First, I put update.xml and update.mar in Tomcat server. Then, go to "Developer" panel in Settings app and set "Update URL" which is the update.xml url. At last, go to "Device information" and click "Check Now". You will updates available in the notification bar. Click it and you will find "System update" in it. Click "Download" botton. Click "Install" button. Then device reboot to recovery mode and start to install OTA package. You will find OTA update is normal ,but the "System update" still is in the notification bar after install  OTA package.

Before OTA update

Gaia      fa9fb90a3eaad9feff807249a925926626287908
Gecko     0231e18ac157c6058de69bf17b79f8621e82d7d4
BuildID   20150326131654
Version   34.0 Mar 26 13:12:12 CST 2015

After OTA update

Gaia      fa9fb90a3eaad9feff807249a925926626287908
Gecko     14a0bd22330f280a929bae7a3fa7692ee4d666e8
BuildID   20150331134253
Version   34.0 Mar 31 13:22:39 CST 2015
Flags: needinfo?(chaochao.huang)
Hi Kai-Zhen -

I upload the reproduce video here:

Hi ChaoChao, from the video it looks like the download is really fast. Are you sure the device actually download the FOTA package from server?

Flags: needinfo?(kli)
Flags: needinfo?(chaochao.huang)
(In reply to Vance Chen [:vchen][] from comment #10)

Hi Vance,

The FOTA package has been downloaded completly before begin to record the video. So it seem to be fast. I'm sure the device actually download the FOTA package from server.

Flags: needinfo?(chaochao.huang)
Hi Kai-Zhen,

The update package has been updated successfully from the version, but the "System update" still is in the notification. Normally, which event or others notify to remove the "System update" from the notification?
It is really weird. In attached log I see there is no update available. Below is the log of auto update service, "number of updates available: 0". I still have no idea where does the system update in notification bar come from.

Do you have other update client/service in the device?

04-15 13:02:33.291   131   131 I Gecko   : *** AUS:SVC Checker: checkForUpdates, force: true
04-15 13:02:33.291   131   131 E GeckoConsole: AUS:SVC Checker: checkForUpdates, force: true
04-15 13:02:33.381   131   131 I Gecko   : *** AUS:SVC getLocale - getting locale from file: resource://app/update.locale, locale: en-US
04-15 13:02:33.381   131   131 E GeckoConsole: AUS:SVC getLocale - getting locale from file: resource://app/update.locale, locale: en-US
04-15 13:02:33.391   131   131 I Gecko   : *** AUS:SVC Checker:getUpdateURL - update URL:
04-15 13:02:33.391   131   131 E GeckoConsole: AUS:SVC Checker:getUpdateURL - update URL:
04-15 13:02:33.391   131   131 I Gecko   : *** AUS:SVC gCanCheckForUpdates - able to check for updates
04-15 13:02:33.391   131   131 E GeckoConsole: AUS:SVC gCanCheckForUpdates - able to check for updates
04-15 13:02:33.391   131   131 I Gecko   : *** AUS:SVC Checker:checkForUpdates - sending request to:
04-15 13:02:33.391   131   131 E GeckoConsole: AUS:SVC Checker:checkForUpdates - sending request to:
04-15 13:02:35.861   131   131 I Gecko   : *** AUS:SVC Checker:onLoad - request completed downloading document
04-15 13:02:35.861   131   131 E GeckoConsole: AUS:SVC Checker:onLoad - request completed downloading document
04-15 13:02:35.861   131   131 I Gecko   : *** AUS:SVC Checker:onLoad - number of updates available: 0
04-15 13:02:35.871   131   131 E GeckoConsole: AUS:SVC Checker:onLoad - number of updates available: 0
04-15 13:02:36.021   131   131 I Gecko   : *** AUS:SVC UpdateManager:_loadXMLFileIntoArray: XML file does not exist
04-15 13:02:36.021   131   131 E GeckoConsole: AUS:SVC UpdateManager:_loadXMLFileIntoArray: XML file does not exist
Flags: needinfo?(kli)
(In reply to Kai-Zhen Li [:kli][:seinlin] from comment #13)
> It is really weird. In attached log I see there is no update available.
> Below is the log of auto update service, "number of updates available: 0". I
> still have no idea where does the system update in notification bar come
> from.

We have changed the update URL to
There is not maybe update package in mozilla server. 

04-09 13:53:16.240   129   129 I Gecko   : *** AUS:SVC Checker:onLoad - request completed downloading document
04-09 13:53:16.260   129   129 I Gecko   : *** AUS:SVC Checker:getUpdateURL - update URL:
04-09 13:53:16.270   129   129 I Gecko   : *** AUS:SVC Checker:onLoad - number of updates available: 1
04-09 13:53:16.270   129   129 I Gecko   : UpdatePrompt: Setting gecko.updateStatus: check-complete
Hi Kai-Zhen,

Do you have available server to check this issue now?


Do you help put available update package to mozilla server? 

Flags: needinfo?(vchen)
Flags: needinfo?(kli)
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.1S?
Can you attach the log after you change to ?
Flags: needinfo?(kli)
Attached file
Hi Kai-Zhen,

This is new log. Plz help check.

Flags: needinfo?(kli)
when device is rebooted after system update is done, it will try to check if there is available update again.

On your attached log, we can see new update is available. I think this could be caused by some reasons. 

- You'll need to check the version and build Id in the device and update manifest [1]. I think you can browse the manifest in any browser and see the detail information.

- According to [2], update service will ignore the old version and always try to update newer version. If the version and build id is different and update service consider is as a newer version, there will be an system update notification.

Flags: needinfo?(kli)
(In reply to Kai-Zhen Li [:kli][:seinlin] from comment #18)

After install OTA package which buildID is 20150331135036, the buildID of device changes to 20150331134253. So there is still a available update in notification bar. But why is the buildID of device 20150331134253 but 20150331135036?

The update.xml is 

<update appVersion="34.0" buildID="20150331135036" detailsURL="" isOSUpdate="true" licenseURL="" type="minor" version="2.1">
<patch URL="" hashFunction="SHA512" hashValue="8f529f8aef9cc56310fdb2353fce464159547387e186129d2d0c96d95461c924792cb018e35fbb91c5bfec9ec8802a6373ee6dea997e5f24564f79dc7405d270" size="127181917" type="complete"/>
Flags: needinfo?(kli)
The update.xml is built according to ./tools/update-tools/
The buildID is from /tools/update-tools/

def generate_build_id(self):

This buildID in update.zml is datetime of running, not datetime of building OTA package. I think this isnot right?
In, you can see this.
self.build_id = build_id or self.generate_build_id()

'generate_build_id' is called when build_id is not specified. You can specify build_id with "-i" or "--build-id" when you generate update.xml.
Flags: needinfo?(kli)
It is more likely a POVB issue.
Keywords: crash
Whiteboard: [sprd=401291], [b2g-crash] → [sprd=401291], [POVB]
Whiteboard: [sprd=401291], [POVB] → [sprd=424312], [POVB]
No longer blocks: 1123554
No longer depends on: 1121846
clear my ni first and wait for ChaoChao's feedback on checking the fota build generate mechanism at SPRD's end
Flags: needinfo?(vchen)
Specify build_id with "-i" when generate update.xml.  The build_id in update.xml is right and the issue is fixed.

Thank for Kai-Zhen and Vance's help.
POVB bug fixed by partner. close it per Comment#24
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
According to comment 25. minus it.
blocking-b2g: 2.1S? → ---
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