Closed Bug 1162697 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

spinner when saving to pocket feels like a responsiveness problem


(Firefox :: Pocket, defect, P1)

40 Branch



Tracking Status
firefox40 --- affected


(Reporter: madhava, Unassigned)



When I hit the Pocket button in Nightly, I get an empty panel with only a spinner while the page is saved to pocket. No other panel in Firefox does this, and the result is that it feels like I'm waiting for the panel content to load (which makes it feel broken). In fact, the panel _is_ doing something -- it's saving. If there were some content in the panel other than spinner (i.e. "Saving to Pocket!" with an icon), then the user would know that something is actually happening.
Can we code this such that it only shows the spinner when there's no translation available? That way, we can make this fix totally incremental.
(In reply to Jeff Beatty [:gueroJeff] from comment #1) > "Saving..." would be best, since it could be reused from > > AR&repo=aurora&search_type=entities&recherche=browser/chrome/browser/ > devtools/ . To expand a bit on this... If we want to get this turned around quickly on the localization side lets make this as simple as possible. If we show the pocket logo, the spinner, and say "Saving" like in the screen shot I saw is that good enough? Also need to confirm that reuse of "Saving..." actually works for the 4 locales that we are talkng about, but right now it looks lie we should be able to re-use from transvision if we go with this revised plan. Pike's idea in comment 4 would be another approach at a work around for localization if it turns out re-use of strings in this case has problems.
A new design for this state is coming in tonight's code drop to the FF team. You can see what it looks like here:
Also: The strings were handed off to Bryan so I believe that's already covered.
Looks great! (In reply to Nate Weiner from comment #4) > A new design for this state is coming in tonight's code drop to the FF team. > > You can see what it looks like here: >
Blocks: Pocket
Priority: -- → P1 or via API (link a the top) Side note: since this is a string in devtools, don't get fooled by the amount of "Saving…", some locales simply copy over en-US to get rid of warnings about missing strings. For the specific case (de, es-ES, ja-JP, ru), we're fine.
Flags: qe-verify+
OS: Unspecified → All
Hardware: Unspecified → All
Version: 34 Branch → 40 Branch
looks to be resolved in nightly
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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