Closed Bug 1167635 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Can't scroll horizontally in sheets with two frozen axes


(Web Compatibility :: Site Reports, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dcamp, Unassigned)




Current nightly, STR: * Create a wider-than-your-screen spreadsheet in google docs. * Freeze some columns: View->Freeze->2 Columns * Freeze some rows: View->Freeze->2 Rows * Try to horizontally scroll the unfrozen section. Unable to horizontally scroll in that area. Works in current chrome.
I can reproduce the issue on the Release channel (38), thinking it's not new. Vertical scrolling is working well, but horizontal scrolling only works on the scrollbar area at the bottom of the sheet.
Dave, are you able to reproduce at the test URL I just added to the bug? I'm not able on OSX in Dev Edition or Nightly.
It's intermittent, but yeah it happens on a current nightly. Very easy to end up in a situation where the swipe is navigating instead of scrolling. Do you have the two-finger swipe to navigate gesture enabled?
Flags: needinfo?(dcamp)
Given the somewhat hard-to-reproduce nature of this, I'm not sure frozen axes are required to do it. It just seems easier in that case.
Hallvord, can you take a look at this?
It doesn't require frozen axes. This is a problem that is always there for sideways scrolling in Spreadsheets. I was coming to file the same bug but I'm glad to see there is already a discussion about it.
Hey Alex, I'm still having trouble reproducing in any release on my mac or linux machines. Does the test spreadsheet at the linked URL reproduce for you? If not, do you have a publicly shareable spreadsheet you can point me at? Thanks!
Hi Mike, it does cause me the same problems. I can scroll to the right but then I am unable to scroll back to the left using the scroll gesture on the trackpad. I usually have to use the scroll bar. One of the causes might be a conflict with "Back".
Flags: needinfo?(adavis)
OK, thanks for checking. Will see if I can keep poking it at it reproduce, as it's obviously a problem for more than just Dave.
Alex, does it work when using the arrows? I have experienced this sometimes on site. When you are too fast, you get a back/forward button behavior and when you do it slowly it doesn't move.
so side by side, Mike and I tried. I (macosx 10.10.3) can reproduce with the same settings on System Preferences. Mike can't (macosx 10.10.4). It seems like a real bug.
Aha, thanks to blassey we figured out I couldn't reproduce because I didn't have e10s or two-finger swipe-between pages enabled. So, this is a known bug.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Thanks Mike for looking into this. :)
Product: Tech Evangelism → Web Compatibility
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