Closed Bug 1172181 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

WebAudio in "Acid Defender" game is distorted, slows down, and eventually stops


(Core :: Web Audio, defect, P2)




Tracking Status
firefox38 --- affected
firefox39 --- affected
firefox40 --- wontfix
firefox41 --- wontfix
firefox42 --- ?
firefox47 --- unaffected
firefox48 --- unaffected
firefox49 --- unaffected
firefox-esr31 --- affected
firefox-esr45 --- unaffected
firefox50 --- unaffected


(Reporter: cpeterson, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: perf, regression)

STR: 1. Load 2. Select "Jam Mode". 3. Click a bunch of squares and select all the Kick, Snare, and Hat sound buttons at the bottom. 4. Wait about 20 seconds. RESULT: The audio will be distorted, slow down, and eventually stop. This is a regression, but I'm having difficulty bisecting it. The problem is easy reproducible in Nightly 41, somewhat reproducible in 38–40, but not reproducible in ESR 31. Could this be a regression from OscillatorNode bug 1106649 in Firefox 37? This might be the same problem I reported in BiquadFilterNode bug 939491.
Pushlog: via local build last good: b60d1a95bfa3 first bad: ffab1d2bd4ce Triggered by: ffab1d2bd4ce Paul Adenot — Bug 1106649 - Use band-limited wave tables to implement basic waveforms. r=karlt
Keywords: perf
Depends on: 1173016
This should now be fixed in a Nightly build that contains the patches from bug 1173016.
I'll verify the fix when it lands in Nightly.
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
Paul, I can still reproduce this bug in Nightly 42 build 2015-07-10 on my MacBook Pro, though the distortion takes longer (~1 minute) to reproduce than before (~20 seconds).
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson) → needinfo?(padenot)
Looking at what the app does (using the web audio editor in the devtools), this will be covered by karlt's work on collecting nodes more aggressively/not computing audio for nodes that don't have input. I seem to recall he's starting soon on that, or maybe he's already started, I can't remember the bug number.
Flags: needinfo?(padenot)
And the drop in cpu usage after GC is further evidence.
Depends on: 1189562
Depends on: 1181006
Rank: 25
Priority: -- → P2
This bug was fixed sometime between Firefox 42 and 45.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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