Closed Bug 1173488 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Automate Nightly's pickup of Adobe's new CDM drops


(Release Engineering :: General, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cpeterson, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Adobe proposed that they publish an update.xml file on their server pointing to their new CDM drops. Mozilla's release automation could them download the new CDM drop, run some automated tests, and then point Firefox Nightly users to the new CDM. We would only update the Nightly channel automatically; we would still rely on manual uplifts to point the Aurora and Beta users at a new CDM drop.
We want to run manual smoke tests on new CDM builds before we push to Nightly. cpearce suggests we have a secure web form to push a new CDM to Nightly users without involving rel eng.
Priority: -- → P2
We discussed this, and the real issue is that Adobe feel it takes too long for Mozilla to get a CDM drop from an email notification in cpearce's inbox to the AUS server's XML file. The problem is that I'm in NZ. Adobe tend to deliver drops at end of day Friday PST, Saturday NZ time. So I tend not to notice them, and even if I do and I test the CDM and file a bug, the guys who normally update AUS live in Toronto, so they usually have gone home for the weekend. So we've asked Adobe to deliver the CDM drop end of day Thursday PST, which would be midday Friday NZT, which gives me enough time to test the CDM and ping nthomas in NZ to push the CDM update to AUS. So I think we can make this work without extra automation. We probably wouldn't make back the time investment if someone spent time automating this.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Component: General Automation → General
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