Closed Bug 1177414 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Queued tabs stall on load


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Overlays, defect)

Not set


(firefox41 affected, fennec48+)

Tracking Status
firefox41 --- affected
fennec 48+ ---


(Reporter: rnewman, Unassigned)



I've been seeing this for a while; seems to mostly happen when I queue up a bunch of tabs and have some already to restore.

Martyn has reproduced; Martyn, please flesh out this bug with STR!
Assignee: nobody → mhaigh
This seems to be an intermittent bug.  

(Possible) steps to reproduce:
1, enable tab queue
2, queue tab from external link
3, open firefox

This cause the tab to load but sometimes the loading stops partway through loading for reasons as yet unknown.  Various things can be done to cause the tab to load properly, including reloading the page, opening the tabs panel.  

I've observed this happening with as little as, but not limited to, one tab.     

Very strange.
Blocks: tab-queue
tracking-fennec: ? → 41+
Status update, Martyn?
Flags: needinfo?(mhaigh)
I use tab queues a lot (phone and tablet) and I have never seen this stalled loads.
Kevin, can you or one of the Softvision people help us get reliable STR?
Flags: needinfo?(kbrosnan)
Keywords: steps-wanted
Can you please tell the device and OS version on which you reproduced the issue?
I investigated this using a LG Nexus 4 (Android 5.1). I've tried with 10+ links in tab queue, 10+ tabs already opened in Firefox.
When I had 18 tabs loaded and 21 tabs queued, after tapping the tab queue notification from the android notification bar, the tab tray opened and it was grey. Only after tapping the page content and once again the tab counter button from the top right corner, tabs appeared in tab tray. Please look at the screenshot:

Also I got a blank page for a youtube page:
tracking-fennec: 41+ → 42+
Is there some speculative logging we could add here that would help us debug if someone runs into this problem? We could land extra logging, then make a request on mobile-firefox-dev for people to keep a lookout and attach logs when they see this.
Sebastian, do you want to own this now?

I haven't heard more reports of this issue, so I'm not sure if we have enough information to act on this for 42. However, as I mentioned in my last comment (a long time ago!) we should try to do *something* to see if we can gather more information.
Flags: needinfo?(s.kaspari)
(In reply to :Margaret Leibovic from comment #7)
> Sebastian, do you want to own this now?

Yes! I'm using tab queues daily and I love them. :)

> I haven't heard more reports of this issue, so I'm not sure if we have
> enough information to act on this for 42. However, as I mentioned in my last
> comment (a long time ago!) we should try to do *something* to see if we can
> gather more information.

Actually I have never seen this myself. But I usually have only a very small number of tabs open or queued. This points into the same direction as comment 0 ("when I queue up a bunch of tabs"). I'll just test various scenarios with multiple tabs queued and already open. Maybe I can hit it. Right now I don't have a good idea what additional logging could help us here.
Assignee: mhaigh → s.kaspari
Flags: needinfo?(s.kaspari)
I am closing this one now. There haven't been any reports about this for quite some time. And I haven't seen this myself. There's nothing I can do here.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
I see this routinely on my Nexus 5X, both using Android M and now using the Android N preview. I am currently using Firefox v45.0.1, though I had been using beta builds of Firefox for some time before switching to Android N.

I see this frequently when I open links from Facebook or Inoreader.
As we are looking into improving TQ we can look at this again.

sbporter: Is there something that raises the chance of seeing this? Do you queue a lot of tabs? So far I've never experienced this.
Blocks: tab-queue-v2
No longer blocks: tab-queue
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Assignee: s.kaspari → nobody
This actually sounds a lot like bug 1229259, which I was also seeing with my Nexus 5X.
tracking-fennec: 42+ → ?
Flags: needinfo?(martyn.haigh+bugzilla)
Flags: needinfo?(kbrosnan)
(In reply to Sebastian Kaspari (:sebastian) from comment #11)
> sbporter: Is there something that raises the chance of seeing this? Do you
> queue a lot of tabs? So far I've never experienced this.

As with the first poster, I have Firefox set to restore all of my tabs, and I frequently have a large number saved. I also do tend to queue a large number (8+ is not unusual) at a time in addition to what is already opened. Lastly, I use uBlock Origin, which could possibly have some impact.
Let's optimistically track for 48, maybe this will prove to be the same issue as bug 1229259.
tracking-fennec: ? → 48+
Has anyone in here seen this issue recently? I haven't seen it.

It is indeed fixed by bug 1229259?
Nobody has said anything, so I'm just going to close this.
Closed: 9 years ago8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard

Removing steps-wanted keyword because this bug has been resolved.

Keywords: steps-wanted

Removing steps-wanted keyword because this bug has been resolved.

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