Closed Bug 1184898 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Cannot connect to irssi IRC proxy with a password


(Chat Core :: IRC, defect)

Windows 8.1
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: darren.p.kenny, Unassigned)


I've been using HexChat to connect to an irssi IRC proxy for a while now, but was curious about using the built in chat in Thunderbird. It doesn't appear to matter what options I set, but I cannot connect to an irssi client running on another computer, where I have the irssi proxy[1] configured with a password. I'm not using SSL, I don't think irssi proxy supports it, but am using a password to restrict access - and despite specifying a password in the server configuration, it doesn't appear to be sent to the IRC server (the irssi proxy here). A log of the connection gives me: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Thunderbird 41.0a2 (20150714004005), Gecko 41.0a2 (20150714004005) on Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) (14 messages omitted) [17/07/2015 11:39:36] LOG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.connect resource:///modules/socket.jsm:148) Connecting to: [17/07/2015 11:39:36] DEBUG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.onTransportStatus resource:///modules/socket.jsm:549) onTransportStatus(STATUS_RESOLVING) [17/07/2015 11:39:36] DEBUG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.onTransportStatus resource:///modules/socket.jsm:549) onTransportStatus(STATUS_RESOLVED) [17/07/2015 11:39:36] DEBUG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.onTransportStatus resource:///modules/socket.jsm:549) onTransportStatus(STATUS_CONNECTING_TO) [17/07/2015 11:39:36] DEBUG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.onTransportStatus resource:///modules/socket.jsm:549) onTransportStatus(STATUS_CONNECTED_TO) [17/07/2015 11:39:36] LOG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.sendString resource:///modules/socket.jsm:255) Sending: CAP LS [17/07/2015 11:39:36] LOG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.sendString resource:///modules/socket.jsm:255) Sending: NICK Dar [17/07/2015 11:39:36] LOG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.sendString resource:///modules/socket.jsm:255) Sending: USER Thunderbird 0 * Dar [17/07/2015 11:39:36] DEBUG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.onTransportStatus resource:///modules/socket.jsm:549) onTransportStatus(STATUS_SENDING_TO) [17/07/2015 11:39:36] DEBUG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.onTransportStatus resource:///modules/socket.jsm:549) onTransportStatus(STATUS_SENDING_TO) [17/07/2015 11:39:36] DEBUG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.onStartRequest resource:///modules/socket.jsm:480) onStartRequest [17/07/2015 11:39:36] DEBUG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.onStopRequest resource:///modules/socket.jsm:489) onStopRequest (0) [17/07/2015 11:39:36] ERROR (@ prpl-irc: ircSocket.prototype.onConnectionClosed resource://gre/components/irc.js:721) Connection closed by server. [17/07/2015 11:39:36] LOG (@ prpl-irc: Socket.disconnect resource:///modules/socket.jsm:185) Disconnect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can't see anything on the irssi side other than a connection attempt was made, but was disconnected. It would be great if you could get this working... I've been using the Aurora channel for a while now, but it still doesn't appear to fix this issue. [1] -
(If so, this is possibly a dup of bug 1016494...although this has happened enough times that I wonder if we need a different solution.)
Thanks Patrick - that's it - I set the serverPassword (no username needed) and it connected immediately! I would agree that this does appear to be a duplicate of that bug - I did try searching around for good while using Google, but never came across this page :( Really would be good to get this in the UI somewhere when the feature is there - the password currently being requested then I'm guessing is for NickServ or something rather than the server?
Component: Instant Messaging → IRC
Product: Thunderbird → Chat Core
Version: 42 → trunk
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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