Closed Bug 1187911 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Notifications repeat even when I clear them


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Calendar, defect, P2)

Gonk (Firefox OS)



blocking-b2g 2.5+


(Reporter: scabral, Assigned: gaye)



(Keywords: foxfood)


(4 files)

I get notifications over and over, even after clearing them. Including stuff that started 12 minutes ago. 

Do I need to open the calendar or something to register that yes, I saw this notification? I have notifications set for 10 min before a meeting only. 

I get that one, but then I get ones after that, that I don't set - for example, a meeting that started at noon my time, I got a notification at 11:50, but then at 12:02 as well. I've gotten notifications for meetings that started 30 minutes ago, and it's a repeat, not a delay in my IM service.

Not sure if this is related to bug 930794 but I see that's closed. Hardware is Sony Xperia Z3, build identifier 20150709163311.
Not that I don't want to admit bugs, but I have a good feeling this is more a Calendar-app issue rather than a System app or Gecko bug. Let's wait some more logs to check :)
This problem manifested itself today. As you can see, I got a notification at 3:29 pm local time (Eastern) for a meeting called "Bi-weekly MOC/Data Service Review" but this meeting started at 3 pm. I got the reminder before the meeting and cleared it, but still got this one, as the meeting was ending. 

The logs are here.
AFter I sent the logs, I clicked through the notification on my phone and took a screenshot - you can see that I have one reminder set, 10 minutes *before* the meeting - which I received and cleared, so it's not a notification/messaging delay - and the meeting started at 3 pm - the notification is 3:29 pm.

Other details - this is my Google Calendar associated with work - I also sync a personal Google Calendar with my phone. Only the work calendar exhibits this behavior, and it's sporadic (I had other meetings yesterday and today and the notifications were only 10m ahead of time as expected).

The notifications after the meeting starts are seemingly random - sometimes they're 10 minutes after, I've seen 45 minutes after....this one was 29 minutes after.

Hope the logs and screenshot help.

> 07-28 15:29:13.629 25885 25885 I Calendar: Content JS LOG: controllers/notifications [calendar]  "Will send event notification with title:" "Bi-weekly MOC/Data Service Review started 29 minutes ago" "body:" "Please find the rolling agenda here:\n" 

Given the description and the timestamp, this exactly looks like the one you got 29 minutes after. That code is Calendar app.
Component: Gaia::System::Status bar, Utility tray, Notification → Gaia::Calendar
[Blocking Requested - why for this release]:
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.5?
Blocked for 2.5. Need to identify exact STR.
blocking-b2g: 2.5? → 2.5+
Priority: -- → P2
I haven't tested this out on a device yet, so I'll hold off on landing until I go for that. The strategy is simply to add a flag to each alarm that tells the calendar app that we've already issued a notification for it once we send the first notification. Then we check that flag before sending notifications to prevent the case where we issue multiple notifications for a single alarm.
Attachment #8663780 - Flags: review?(jrburke)
Assignee: nobody → gaye
Comment on attachment 8663780 [details] [review]
Link to Github pull-request:

Commented in pull request, flip back to review when the cleanup question is addressed, even if it is just an explanation of how it is cleaned up given the operation of the stores.
Attachment #8663780 - Flags: review?(jrburke)
Comment on attachment 8663780 [details] [review]
Link to Github pull-request:

Updated to make sure we map back data that roundtrips through alarms api to latest data in indexeddb.
Attachment #8663780 - Flags: review?(jrburke)
Comment on attachment 8663780 [details] [review]
Link to Github pull-request:

r+ by inspection, discussion in IRC.
Attachment #8663780 - Flags: review?(jrburke) → review+ landed on master
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Depends on: 1212759
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