Closed Bug 1188236 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

"Congratulations on having your first patch approved" email should be clearer about how to get the patch landed.


( :: Extensions, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: markh, Assigned: mhoye)





(1 file, 4 obsolete files)

Via #firefox, I saw a user confused about the email and what actions they should take. In particular, there is a link to which IMO is confusing: * it describes how to format a patch suitable for requesting review - but if the patch has r+, it probably already meets most of those requirements (although I guess it can't hurt to ask them to re-check the points there.) * it makes no mention of the requirement to then change the patch commit message to indicate exactly who gave it r+. * it makes no mention of how to get the patch landed - which for most new contributors will be set the checkin-needed flag, and possibly some other process to request a try run be pushed.
Flags: needinfo?(josh)
I propose the following change: Dave, what's required to get this committed to the right place?
Flags: needinfo?(josh) → needinfo?(dkl)
please attach it as a patch here and ask for review from a suggested reviewer.
Flags: needinfo?(dkl)
Attached patch Improve the information dump (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Assignee: nobody → josh
Attachment #8704655 - Flags: review?(dkl)
Attachment #8704655 - Flags: feedback?(mhoye)
Comment on attachment 8704655 [details] [diff] [review] Improve the information dump Review of attachment 8704655 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- r=dkl. If mhoye approves, I can commit this.
Attachment #8704655 - Flags: review?(dkl) → review+
I see some problems here. - The patch links to a doc flagged as "this is outdated, go over here" at the top, but takes you to a tag so far down the page you don't see the warning. - If you're lucky enough to see the warning sign, the "over here" doc doesn't speak this question at all, and - I don't think the original cart-and-horse confusion about "does r+ mean ready or what" and "if not what do I do" is clearly answered by either the email (patch or no) or doc. tl;dr we have a few moving parts to our communications here and we should fix them all at once. Josh, I'm taking this bug so I can look at it end to end, and I'll bring the work back to this bug.
Assignee: josh → mhoye
I think the text of this is a bit better. The links work.
Comment on attachment 8712278 [details] [diff] [review] 1188236.patch - Rewritten text and updated links for the contributor email template. I like a lot of the modifications! I just have a few concerns listed below: >all the nits are picked out, I'd tend towards "addressed" instead. >whiteboard keywords There are two separate fields - the whiteboard, and the keywords. I think referring to keywords like this is unnecessarily confusing. Also note that only people who have been assigned to a bug or have editbugs privileges can make this change, so it can still be confusing. Also, checkin-needed doesn't work if a successful try push isn't already present, since the sheriffs refuse to push it without one. >Contributors with commit access That is almost certainly nobody who is receiving this email. I'm not convinced that linking to this documentation is most effective at this point. > Noooo this is looking for bugzilla bugs with "mentor" in the whiteboard somewhere. That's definitely not the best source for this; we can use the bug_mentor field instead.
Comment on attachment 8712278 [details] [diff] [review] 1188236.patch - Rewritten text and updated links for the contributor email template. Review of attachment 8712278 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure to remove all trailing whitespace in the next revisions. On the next revision, set the r?(josh) so he can r+ it. I will check it in after that if it checks out technically.
Attachment #8712278 - Flags: review-
Attached patch 1188236.v2.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
OK, let's give this a shot. If git-diff isn't lying to me about whitespace, this should do the trick.
Attachment #8704655 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8712278 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8704655 - Flags: feedback?(mhoye)
Attachment #8713239 - Flags: review?(josh)
Comment on attachment 8713239 [details] [diff] [review] 1188236.v2.patch Review of attachment 8713239 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ::: extensions/ContributorEngagement/template/en/default/contributor/email.txt.tmpl @@ +17,5 @@ > > [%+ urlbase %]attachment.cgi?id=[% FILTER uri %]&action=edit > > +Once the patch is correctly formatted and all the nits are addressed, > +you should ask the person who reviewed your patch to push it to a s/a/the/ @@ +34,2 @@ > > +And you can learn about Mercurial for Mozillians here: "advanced techniques for using Mercurial", maybe? This isn't a great line as it stands. @@ +57,5 @@ > +You will need someone to 'vouch' for your profile; if you don't > +know any other Mozillians well, why not contact the person who > +approved your patch? > + > +Thanks again for your help. Mozilla's success depend on contributions depends
Attachment #8713239 - Flags: review?(josh) → feedback+
Attached patch 1188236.v3.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Thanks, corrections made.
Attachment #8713239 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8713250 - Flags: review?(josh)
Comment on attachment 8713250 [details] [diff] [review] 1188236.v3.patch Review of attachment 8713250 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, one last important point that I missed previously. ::: extensions/ContributorEngagement/template/en/default/contributor/email.txt.tmpl @@ +23,4 @@ > > +Once it comes back passing all our tests, your patch will be ready > +to check in! To get your patch checked in you can add "checkin-needed" > +to the whiteboard field, and one of our helpful Code Sheriffs will "to the Keywords field on the bug summary page"
Attachment #8713250 - Flags: review?(josh) → feedback+
Attached patch 1188236.v4.patchSplinter Review
Fixed here.
Attachment #8713250 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Committed To ssh:// 3ec68d9..95adf55 master -> master
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Extensions: Other → Extensions
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