Closed Bug 1192737 Opened 10 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Don't enable element inspector and eyedropper at the same time


(DevTools Graveyard :: Graphic Commandline and Toolbar, defect)

Not set


(firefox46 affected, firefox47 affected, firefox48 affected, firefox49 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox46 --- affected
firefox47 --- affected
firefox48 --- affected
firefox49 --- affected


(Reporter:, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [polish-backlog][difficulty=easy])


(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0 Build ID: 20150809030213 Steps to reproduce: 1) Enable element inspector (Pick an element from the page) 2) Enable eyedropper (Grab a color from the page) 3) Move mouse pointer on the page Actual results: Eyedropper grabs a wrong color on the page, because canvas color was changed by element inspector. Expected results: When enable eyedropper, element inspector should be disabled. And also vice versa.
Component: Untriaged → Developer Tools
OS: Unspecified → All
Hardware: Unspecified → All
While I think that grabbing a blue color of highlighted box is a good opportunity (aka WYSIWYG), I completely agree that color element picker and eyedropper shouldn't interfere with each other. Reproduced with these steps: 1. Enable element inspector (Pick an element from the page) 2(+) Move mouse over an element on the page to highlight it 3. Enable eyedropper (Grab a color from the page) 4(+) Move mouse over *chrome* content of devtools so that eyedropper circle appeared 5. Move mouse pointer on the page [I don't see element picker changing highligh until Step 6] 6(+) Quickly move mouse over the page [Now I see elements being highlighted sometimes. So sometimes element picker is active and eyedropper is inactive, and sometimes - vice versa] I can't reproduce "eyedropper grabs a wrong color on the page" if I skip Step 2 (in this comment) and just move mouse to eyedropper within devtools. So that wysiwyg opportunity is a bit tricky, and removing it won't be a big loss.
Component: Developer Tools → Developer Tools: Graphic Commandline and Toolbar
Ever confirmed: true
Whiteboard: [polish-backlog]
Whiteboard: [polish-backlog] → [polish-backlog][difficulty=easy]
How about next steps?
Flags: needinfo?(pbrosset)
So we need to make sure that when the eyedropper tool is started, the element picker is canceled. There are 3 ways of starting the eyedropper: - using the toolbar button - clicking on a color swatch in the css rules-view and starting it from the color-picker panel - going in the developer menu in the firefox menubar I know that the toolbar button uses a gcli command file to open the eyedropper: \devtools\client\eyedropper\commands.js It would be easy from this command file to cancel the picker if it had been started before with something like: let gBrowser = context.environment.chromeDocument.defaultView.gBrowser; let target = TargetFactory.forTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); let toolbox = gDevTools.getToolbox(target); // If a toolbox exists if (toolbox) { toolbox.highlighterUtils.stopPicker(); } But unfortunately, doing this would not solve the problem for when you start the eyedropper from the menu or the color-picker. For a solution to work in all cases, we'd have to modify the eyedropper code in: \devtools\client\eyedropper\eyedropper.js And in particular, the function The Eyedropper class has access to the reference of the chromeWindow (this._chromeWindow), so from this, it should be possible to write a similar piece of code than the one I wrote above to cancel the picker.
Flags: needinfo?(pbrosset)
See Also: → 1221996
Has STR: --- → yes
Version: 42 Branch → unspecified
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Per bug 1491875, this component has been closed, and the affected code is being removed from Firefox. Closing this bug as incomplete.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: DevTools → DevTools Graveyard
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