Closed Bug 1200356 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[ACL][Whatsapp] Not able to launch WA in a user build


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: Preinstalled B2G Apps, defect, P1)

Firefox 34


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dpalomino, Unassigned)



Issue: ACL 0.1.35 and Whatsapp 2.12.157-omrel1.0.12 do not work on the user build with the hidden app from ZTE. Steps to reproduce: 1) Flash a device with the user build w/ hidden app integration 2) DO NOT enable the developer menu on this device, and DO NOT enable adb connection 3) Install Whatsapp and follow the flow to download and install ACL 4) Restart the device 5) Launch Whatsapp Expected Result: Whatsapp launches Current Result: Error shown that says: Fatal Error. ACL is not installed on your device. Please restart. Try restarting a couple of times, and you'll see that nothing changes. Very interestingly, after restarting a couple of times, try these steps: 1) ENABLE developer menu 2) ENABLE adb connection 3) Launch Whatsapp Result: Whatsapp will launch So, it looks like whatever is changing when the developer menu and adb connect is enabled has something to do with the Fatal Error.
Supplement with step 2: Adb connection need to choose "ADB and DevTools" otherwise WA cannot launch successfully
Resolved in ACL 0.1.40
Hi, Mike, can you please try to retest this? I've only a eng build (not having a windows machine close to me to reflash the device, sorry). Thanks a bunch! David
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
verified and fixed with ACL 0.1.40 and Whatsapp 2.12.252-omrel1.0.13
Closed: 9 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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