Closed Bug 1202731 Opened 9 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Add a way to link to a particular set of results in comparechooser UI


(Tree Management :: Perfherder, enhancement, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bgrins, Assigned: igoldan)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [lang=js])


(2 files)

To make sharing results from a particular test easier, it'd be great to be able to link to the "sessionrestore opt" results by linking to a particular fragment in the URL.  Something like:

To get that to work there'd need to be a corresponding ID set on each on the page.  And then maybe a '#' link could show up next to the test title on hover of the table.
I have something that is nearly working here:

But, it does not work for the first page load! I believe this is a ui-router *specificity* (bug?) - not sure how to work around this. I'm don't know much about about angular and ui-router though, maybe :wlach can help ?
Flags: needinfo?(wlachance)
Nothing jumps out offhand, but I'm far from being an angular expert either. I just dive into it where needed. :)

Could you file a PR for the change and f? me on it? We can take it from there.
Flags: needinfo?(wlachance) → needinfo?(j.parkouss)
Yes that helps!  However a couple of notes:

1) The "tests with no results" section is huge on that particular push, which means the filtered results aren't visible in the viewport when loading.  Could that section be collapsed and/or moved to the bottom to the page so the relevant results are in the viewport on loading?
2) Partly because of (1) but also in general, it'd still be great to have IDs added to the DOM for each section heading so I can add it to the URL and have the page immediately point to that section.  It wouldn't even necessarily need to be surfaced to the UI, I can manually find the ID with devtools and append it to the URL.

And something I believe is unrelated to the 'filter' feature but I'll add anyway since I bumped into it: I am consistently getting slow script warnings when loading that page
Flags: needinfo?(bgrinstead)
Priority: -- → P5

(In reply to Brian Grinstead [:bgrins] from comment #4)

Yes that helps! However a couple of notes:

  1. The "tests with no results" section is huge on that particular push,
    which means the filtered results aren't visible in the viewport when
    loading. Could that section be collapsed and/or moved to the bottom to the
    page so the relevant results are in the viewport on loading?

I believe I fixed this issue.

  1. Partly because of (1) but also in general, it'd still be great to have
    IDs added to the DOM for each section heading so I can add it to the URL and
    have the page immediately point to that section. It wouldn't even
    necessarily need to be surfaced to the UI, I can manually find the ID with
    devtools and append it to the URL.

This is something we're still lacking, but is a small useful feature.

And something I believe is unrelated to the 'filter' feature but I'll add
anyway since I bumped into it: I am consistently getting slow script
warnings when loading that page

This has been addressed, as we refactored the endpoints. They are now faster in response times.

Priority: P5 → P3
Type: enhancement → defect
Whiteboard: [lang=js]

Based on comment 4, the new requirements for this ticket are:

  • provide id at test header level
  • provide id at test signature level
  • provide a paragraph anchor
    • so developers can share the Compare view already focused on a particular test
Type: defect → enhancement
Blocks: 1570944
Assignee: nobody → igoldan
Priority: P3 → P1

This just got merged to master.

This just got deployed to production.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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