Closed Bug 120960 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

No authenticatin setting for servers that don't require authentication but can use authentication


(MailNews Core :: Networking: NNTP, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: hendersj, Assigned: sspitzer)


I subscribe to a couple of news servers that do not require authentication but provide access to private newsgroups in addition to public newsgroups. Access to the private newsgroups requires authentication, but access to the public groups does not. Thus, waiting for the news server to say "Authentication required" does not work because it never does this, and just assumes the news server never needs authentication. Steps to reproduce: 1.Create a news server that can use authentication but doesn't require it 2.Access the news server 3.Observe that you are never prompted for authentication. Actual results: You only ever see the publically available newsgroups, and never can see the private newsgroups. Expected results: It should have a prefrence setting to allow you to force authentication to be used regardless of whether the news server fails on the initial connect and responds with Authentication Required. NetScape 4.7x has the correct behaviour.
I should add that I tested this with Mozilla build 2002011908 on Windows XP, but I have experienced this issue on Linux builds as well, and so assume the behaviour here is consistent across all platforms/oses.
See bug 39862 (the bugs to implement UI for this feature are noted in the latter portion of that bug). *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 39862 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Jim, can you let me know if following the instructions in bug 39862 worked for you? If so, then I can verify this is a DUP. Thanks.
This does seem to work OK, but I get prompted on every single newsgroup for the user ID and password; IMO behaviour should be that one user ID and password works for the entire news server.
Jim, see Thanks for reporting back in such a timely manner.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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