Closed Bug 1212314 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

FennecAndroid Crash data page: Rename b1 to b in the list of product


(Socorro :: Webapp, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Sylvestre, Unassigned)


On this page:

Please rename 42.0b1 to 42.0b
This for two reasons:
* it is suggesting that the last beta of Fennec is beta 1 (not the case, it is beta 2 for android)
* consistency with Firefox
(In reply to Sylvestre Ledru [:sylvestre] from comment #0)
> Please rename 42.0b1 to 42.0b

1) The pure "b" does not exist for products that do not have "rapid betas".
2) "Rename" is surely not what you want, I guess you want the other version to show up.
3) This is not a bug in Socorro code, it's up to admins like me and kbrosnan to update featured versions, the Socorro team should not be bothered with that.

All that said, I have set 42.0b4 to be featured as it's being released later today, I guess.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Well, at least, this should be automated. We released beta 2 a week ago...
Unless someone writes code to make Socorro hook into data of what has actually been released, we cannot and should not automate this in any way. The graph and featured versions are eye candy anyhow, the versions are all available from the dropdowns etc. in any case.
> featured versions are eye candy anyhow
Well, not really, it is more about showing the actual data and not misleading information.
Anyway, no big deal.
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