Bug 1214192
Opened 9 years ago
Closed 9 years ago
Add the ability to launch specific releases
(Testing :: mozregression, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: RyanVM, Assigned: sabergeass)
(1 file, 1 obsolete file)
mozregression --launch works nicely if you happen to know the date of the build you want, but not if you just want to launch a specific version. I've resorted to either downloading the various Portable Edition releases for easy access or running |mozregression --good-release 44| to error out and get the list of releases with their corresponding dates that I can then feed into --launch.
It would be nice if we had a --launch-release option where the version could be directly specified.
Comment 1•9 years ago
Yeah, sounds interesting.
Note that you can run an inbound build (for firefox, defaulting on mozilla-inbound branch) by giving a changeset to the --launch argument.
Comment 2•9 years ago
Mikeling, maybe you are interested to work on this bug ? The idea would be to allow --launch to accept a release.
My first idea would be to check if the argument is a known release, and in that case we translate that to the right date and go on with that date to launch the build.
Flags: needinfo?(sabergeass)
Yep, I would happy to work on this issue! Thank you for let me know this :)
Flags: needinfo?(sabergeass)
Hey Julien, I meet some HTTPSConnection problem when I test my PR, I do meet a same problem when I work on offer a way to launch a build by data or revision.
Actually, the most thing I have do in this PR is convert release number to data and pass it to "launch_nightly". And you require that we need to launch inbound also in this issue, which is I haven't ideal about that. So, I would like to ask feedback and told you my problem first, and hear your opinion about it :)
It's my error message BTW, Thank you for your help!
Attachment #8675412 -
Flags: feedback?(j.parkouss)
Comment 5•9 years ago
Comment on attachment 8675412 [details] [review]
PR for bug 1214192
Well, I was thinking about just try to handle the release with the existing --launch flag, ie:
mozregression --launch 33
I would prefer not to add a new flag. Note that another possibility would be to use something like:
mozregression --launch release:33
But it seems like an overkill, I don't see any reason why a release number would conflict with a date or a changeset for now. Maybe ask :wlach to have his opinion, else I would say we just go for the first option (--launch $RELEASE).
Looking at your error, it seems that you are using a low timeout of 10s (default is 30). try to increase it using "--http-timeout 40" (or in the config file: http_timeout = 40). I hope that will help. :)
Attachment #8675412 -
Flags: feedback?(j.parkouss)
Comment 6•9 years ago
Oh, inbound launch is already implemented, this bug is only for releases -
Attachment #8675412 -
Flags: review?(j.parkouss)
Comment 7•9 years ago
Comment on attachment 8675412 [details] [review]
PR for bug 1214192
Almost there, but still not working:
> mozregression --launch ceb07c2b56f92e7674a5f54ecdb3e04d9262f2a6
> 0:00.34 LOG: MainThread WARNING You are using mozregression version 1.0.1, however version 1.0.4 is available.
> 0:00.34 LOG: MainThread WARNING You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade mozregression' command.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/home/jp/.virtualenvs/mozregression/bin/mozregression", line 9, in <module>
> load_entry_point('mozregression==1.0.1', 'console_scripts', 'mozregression')()
> File "/home/jp/dev/mozregression/mozregression/", line 268, in main
> config.validate()
> File "/home/jp/dev/mozregression/mozregression/", line 489, in validate
> options.launch = parse_date(date_of_release(options.launch))
> File "/home/jp/dev/mozregression/mozregression/", line 62, in date_of_release
> return releases()[int(release)]
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'ceb07c2b56f92e7674a5f54ecdb3e04d9262f2a6'
This is basically because of:
> try:
> ...
> except KeyError, ValueError:
> ...
This is not catching both KeyError and ValueError - this is catching only KeyError, and the exception instance is stored in a variable named ValueError.
flake8 warned about that:
The right syntax you want to use is:
> try:
> ...
> except (KeyError, ValueError):
> ...
I'll add a couple of comments on github too.
Please ask again for a review when you fixed that. :) Note that you PR should be green on github since you are adding unit tests, so pay attention to the check panel in
Attachment #8675412 -
Flags: review?(j.parkouss) → review-
Hope this one can works well :)
Attachment #8675412 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8677910 -
Flags: review?(j.parkouss)
Comment 9•9 years ago
Comment on attachment 8677910 [details] [review]
PR for bug 1214192
Yep thanks Mikeling! Seems to work well, and github hooks are all green. :)
I'm glad to see that feature, glad to see some tests for this too.
Merged in
Attachment #8677910 -
Flags: review?(j.parkouss) → review+
Comment 10•9 years ago
I'm going to release a mozregression 1.1.0 with this (and othr good stuff), waiting a bit for to be back first I think.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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